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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. The reason we have a republic was because they looked at the historical examples and agreed that a democracy had those types of problems. They forgot to put in term limits so we wouldn't have to deal with career politicians.
  2. Bob the current system requires a national background check and the same kind of assumptions that any other licensing scheme might use. You can't legally buy a gun without a check. Concealed carry laws all require classes and competence testing as far as I am aware. Registering firearms will do little other than to provide a basis for confiscation at some later date. I realize that isn't the current intent but it makes confiscation possible. Look at the debacle in canada when they tried national registration it doesn't work and is massively expensive. Taxes levied wouldn't pay for the buracracy it would require to manage it and if they did they would make shooting and self protection a rich man's priviledge. Guns have been used to enforce class seperation and race seperation throughout history. ITs better if they are equally available to all within the law. The socalled gunshow loophole is all but nonexistent. A dealer has to sell through the national check system even at a gun show. Most booths at gunshows are dealers. Private sales are legal without a check but it is illegal to sell to a felon etc privately as well. IF the existing laws were enforced there is no loophole. AS for paying for enforcement all the BATF has to do is stop spending money harrassing dealers and law abiding citizens and they would already have the funding and the mandate to enforce the law. The history of gun control in the US is an interesting read. Most of the existing culture came about at the end of prohibition when the Government had to find something for all the prohibition agents to do. Hence the first of our gunlaws making law abiding citizens criminals over night. read the supreme court cases I have to look them up to get them names but there is only two or three. there is very little case law to base the current structure on and it would take very little to flip it all on its head constitutionally if the court would hear new cases on the second amendment. They haven't for many years though. makes you think????
  3. IF you care to look you'll find that the NRA and most gunowners are solidly behind enforcement of existing laws. They lobbied heavily in favour of the three strikes laws and laws that increase penalties if a gun is used in a crime. One of gunrights advocates biggest complaints is the lack of enforcement. IT appears that the laws aren't the objective but rather bigger more intrusive government when more laws are written and more taxes levied and nothing is done to enforce them. basically more intrusive laws punish the lawabiding citizen when enforcement of existing laws would better solve the problems associated with guns.
  4. I wondered if it was fake. Although it doesn't appear that it went through the engine. It loooks more like a snag to me. A turbine wouldn't likely reel in something that long and suck it in. I also couldn't see the guy in the picture when looking at the plane. IT seems likely that he would have cut free if he was experienced and hit the fence or something. I can see how the vortex of a large jet would suck you up and spit you out even if you didn't get snagged by the plane itself. maybe the second part of the clip with the piece flapping behind is the fake part. He could have got some big air when the jet went by and come back down after the camera moves past.
  5. here's the write up to go with that video. Read the gun story before watching the video! This puts a new meaning on"GET A GRIP" NOW HERE IS YOUR GUN.............. For sure anyone who knows anything about guns will like the following. The Pistol every home owner needs--60 Caliber. This video is basically a "show an tell" for a custom built Thompson Encore (fancy version of the Thompson Contender). The Caliber .600 Nitro Express. That's right... An elephant gun round in a handgun. The story goes that the gun that built it is some kind of custom gun maker. He built this as an exhibition piece. He takes it to the range with him just to show it off, and the big guy that shot it (In the video) had been bugging the builder to let him shoot it. Now think about this... Only until fairly recently (early-mid '80's) the 600 Nitro Express was hands down the biggest, nastiest, hardest Hitting, and heaviest recoiling weapon you could buy. It was designed for one simple Purpose... to knock an elephant flat on is butt. It was really built as an exhibition piece! This cartridge is known for breaking collarbones, arms, and shoulders of the shooter in a rifle configuration! Think about this, in the gun world they use what is termed as" recoil Index" to kind of give prospective buyers an idea of what a gun kicks like. A 30-06 gets a rating of a 1.0, which for many people is about the limit of what they can shoot multiple rounds thru comfortably. A 243 is rated at like a .4; a .270 was like a ..8, etc. The .600 Nitro Express is rated at a9.4... 9.4 times more punishing power than a 30-06. Now watch the video.
  6. licensed handguns Common misconception. Concealed carry is a licensed event. you have to pass a background check and in most states be approved by local law enforcement. the Degree of local approval has been lifted somewhat in what are called shall issue states. shall issue means they can't deny you one if you meet the criteria whether the local sheriff likes you or not. This removes the last of the Jim Crow laws regarding gun ownership. Local sherriffs would often deny minority applications. If you read the data available Concealed carry does decrease violent crime in every instance. violent crimes include murders rapes muggings etc. Read more guns less crime its a real eye opener written by a guy trying to prove that gun control worked. he found the opposite to be true. this is also why the clinton crime bill was allowed to sunset. after ten years it just wasn't working.
  7. Call me crazy but kiteboarding in the landing pattern seems ill advised anyway. :smashfrea Notice he wasn't the only one there doing it either:nono:
  8. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I shouldn't torment you I'm sorry:ices_ange When are you gonna pack up and come west? howz about Big mtn in January? check out the Bigmtn expression session thread.
  9. Makes me pucker just thinking about it. :lol: Talk about bad karma:eek: I wonder if he made it? Has anyone heard from WILLYWHIT?:lol:
  10. The UK is another example actually. Massive new restrictions on gun ownership accompanied by a surge in violent crime. Guns don't make the average person safer. The right to own them does. When Florida instituted the right to concealed carry (licensed by the way) violent crime dropped by double digits. here's the kicker only 3% of Floridians actually went out and took advantage of the right and got licensed to carry. So it appears that the uncertainty of who or who ain't carrying is a major deterrent to violent crime. The right to own and carry wakes you safer whether you choose to actually carry or not. Read "More Guns Less Crime" by jon Lott for more data on this. It has happened in every state that has instituted new carry laws. Its not an isolated phenomenon. the opposite occurs worldwide when gun rights are taken away. Genocide eventually follows historically. Its worth THINKING about.
  11. dude catches air and gets his kite sucked in by a landing jet. http://www.break.com/index/kite-surfing-stunt-goes-bad.html
  12. Dr D

    Burton for sale

    your shippings a little steep the board will ship priority mail for around 25$ and the bindings might add a little but they could be shipped seperate in a flat rate box for around 8$
  13. probably not they'll all sit around quietly and try to snipe each other at the last minute:lol: and then we'll hear a thread or two from tex whining about ebay auctions being posted for all to see:lol:
  14. so what week would that be? Lets get a consensus on the date. We got all summer to work out the kinks and maybe get some extras online. Maybe some first tracks time and a vendor or two!
  15. I don't care how many of you show up but after years of SHRED and company you may have to bribe your way into a few of the bars:lol:
  16. Dr D

    updated garage sale

    I still have one pair and some extra liners As far as mondo point size I am not sure they don't have a mondo point size marked on them. Just the US size. They should be a good starter boot they are fairly flexible and are quite adjustable especially the uppers. they have the extra buckle on the back.
  17. I was being sarcastic. After recent massive guncontrol laws went into effect South africa has experienced a huge surge in violent crime. the Crime of choice is home invasion. The rich are able to build high walls and install good security measures etc. while the poor and middle class get to either break the law and protect themselves or lie in bed at nite wondering if they are next. ITs a good example of the adage IF you outlaw guns only OUTLAWS will have them.
  18. calgary is not a bad drive. 3-4 hours give or take. I would expect to see you more than once a season. At least after you have been here once.
  19. Most of us on the right side and beyond refer to him as "that Leprechaun":lol: If we are talking about talk show hosts the only right winged one that isn't in some incestuous relationship with the party is Michael Savage and some days he's a little crazy. I hope everyone is aware that these people are in the entertainment business not the government business. they get paid to piss you off. The more controversial they are the better the ratings and the bigger the paycheck. That absolutely includes both sides of the aisle. Mr Moore is no exception. I have no obections to a political discussion because its places like this where people already share common interests, that the realization that we are not so different occurs. I have noticed a strong shift in values among the party whining lately that is interesting. All of a sudden Libs are standing up for individual rights other than free speech. Republicans look more and more like Liberals every day. When I talk to people I find that the split on ideas is nearly 90 degrees off of the party line. I don't think the parties, either one, care a spit about their constituency any more. They are both up to their ears in Corporate lobbyist money. Hard to know where to start the cleanup process:angryfire
  20. that's absolutely true:angryfire I spend a lot of time reading medical research and its amazing how many studies get nixed when the preliminary results don't look like they'll be "as expected" You can often tell almost from the beginning that they were rigged to get a specific result. The experiment design is based on what can we do to get this result instead of lets try this and see what happens. More Big dollars at the expense of little people. hows that for a statement from a right wing conservative nutjob?:lol:
  21. Dr D

    Bad Beers

    Recently tried Buzzsaw Brown from bend oregon :biggthump quite good
  22. Its not working so good in South Africa Thieves glue naked man to bike Gang of thieves forces South African to strip, then ransacks his house Reuters Updated: 8:31 p.m. MT May 3, 2007 <SCRIPT language=javascript> function UpdateTimeStamp(pdt) { var n = document.getElementById("udtD"); if(pdt != '' && n && window.DateTime) { var dt = new DateTime(); pdt = dt.T2D(pdt); if(dt.GetTZ(pdt)) {n.innerHTML = dt.D2S(pdt,(('false'.toLowerCase()=='false')?false:true));} } } UpdateTimeStamp('633138426661900000');</SCRIPT> JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - A gang stripped a South African man before gluing him to an exercise bicycle while they ransacked his house, according to a report Thursday. SAPA news agency said the attackers, dressed in suits, hijacked a man in his 50s and forced him at gunpoint to take them to his home in Johannesburg. “The victim was then forced to strip, after which he was superglued to the seat of an exercise bicycle, his hands were superglued, as were his feet and then his mouth was superglued shut,” SAPA quoted Mark Stokoe, a spokesman for emergency services Netcare 911, as saying. The man was rescued about three hours later when his partner arrived home, SAPA said. South Africa is battling one of the world’s highest crime rates which has prompted concerns that violence might mar the 2010 soccer World Cup, which the country is due to host. A police spokesman could not immediately comment on the report. No one at Netcare 911 could be reached. Copyright 2007 Reuters Limited. All rights reserved. Republication or redistribution of Reuters content is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Reuters. <SCRIPT>var url=location.href;var i=url.indexOf('/did/') + 1;if(i==0){i=url.indexOf('/print/1/') + 1;}if(i==0){i=url.indexOf('&print=1');}if(i>0){url = url.substring(0,i);document.write('URL: '+url+' ');if(window.print){window.print()}else{alert('To print his page press Ctrl-P on your keyboard \nor choose print from your browser or device after clicking OK');}}</SCRIPT>
  23. Dr D

    updated garage sale

    no mine were 3 hole and you got the last one. check with carve111 though a couple posts up it looks like he has two of them.
  24. Dr D

    TIerney sale

    My son also has wave board and can pump it up our hill. He's working on the Tboard buts its much more difficult. the wave is very unstable if you don't lock the twist with your legs you kinda have to make your legs ridgid at speed and then its short wheelbase as well. Its a pumper not a downhill board.
  25. Dr D

    TIerney sale

    Sorry for the confusion I just copied the email I got from Kurt. I may have one for sale myself. If my kid decides he doesn't like it. I can't stay on the thing long enough to get it going fast enough to be stable:freak3: Must be my aging sense of balance.:lol:
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