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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. Heres one that the free ski bus stops at on its way to the mtn:biggthump http://www.whitefishrvpark.com/
  2. well its anyones guess on snowfall and where. just ask a meteorologist:lol: We did have some unprecedented continuous snowfall this last season. Generally speaking late january and early Febuary are the sunny days above the inversion on good groom times. I suggest that you bring a powder option to any western resort it actually snows here on occasion:eplus2: I can arrange a few powder boards and maybe some garage demos to be on hand as well:biggthump
  3. should be a good powder design:lurk: Have you ever seen a pair of pontoons? very narrow in the back wide in the front negative camber with a bend upward of 5-10 degrees about 8 inches in front of your toes. crazy looking things but they will really float in the POW:biggthump
  4. Pretty good balanced story from 20/20 I am impressed:biggthump
  5. Dr D


    Does anyone know anything about the Illusion longboards? 16.5 trucks with 130 mm bazookaz indy wheels on a large hub. wheels are replaceable on the hub.
  6. I would have to call myself an objectivist. Capitalism and personal responsibility and self reliance are probably the most important part of my personal philosophy. Altruism sounds good on paper but the social ramifications up to and including communism disturb me deeply. A deep rooted montana values thing be responsible and self reliant and help your neighbor when he needs it no strings and no expectations attached. Politically I am way right of republican on most issues and would fall somewhere in the libertarian/ constitutionalist area of thought. I am a fan of the john birch society and a fan of isolationism at least long enough to stabilize our own economy and fix our own problems. I try to get along with everyone I meet. I will jab and poke at someone on the other side of an issue but its always in good fun! I love to have an intelligent dialogue on various issues. I find that you can learn a lot from the other side if you can converse without resorting to talking points and petty name calling. I have a regular rant with a cousin who is quite Liberal. We send each other the inflammatory emails that go around and then see who can snope it first etc. We always end up discussing the issues and often find consensus outside the box that party labels would normally place us.
  7. come to think of it I think you could get away with parking on the mtn in one of the lots.
  8. there should be several. I know there are in Kalispell. I will check on names for you. I just know where they are.
  9. I am not sure where everyone gets the "USA is a democracy" idea from. We are a republic or at least we were! the "spreading democracy across the world thing is weird to. someone once said that democracy is just Tyranny of the masses. or somehting similiar.
  10. Shred is bored again:lol: I learned on an elite 140 in 1980 something its a brutal straight edged bastard:freak3: Carving it??? turning it is unlikely.
  11. if you mean january that works well with the usual weather and lodging availability. I am here so it doesn't really matter to me. I wonder if christmas dates would cut down on attendance with family obligations etc. that is if you meant Dec.
  12. Date preferences?? Anyone have an opinion?
  13. they are every where man! Actually its true they have spread east to the mississippi in large numbers and are being seen east of the mississippi now on occassion. Washington has been lousy with them for years the cascade goat populations were really in danger for a while because of it. I haven't heard lately how that was going. Bellevue does not seem unlikely.
  14. you got the scene pegged. only difference, an extra 200 lbs and my head is 3 ft higher off the ground. the ditch was mowed but it wasn't what you would call a plush lawn:lol:
  15. sweeeet looks like I need to up my life insurance again:eplus2:
  16. Dr D

    updated garage sale

    They are on their way. I had to dig them out of storage this post is old:D sorry it took so long
  17. Alright so here's more info Its a Dregs Supertanker 56" with gullwing trucks the dregs site seems to indicate a randall 180? as an upgrade option I put hard bones bushings in it and they are way stiffer than the stock ones. The wobble was definitely a resonance thing. I could ride it straight and stay on it after the wobble but I lost the ability/ confidence to actually turn it with that kind of chaos happening underneath me. I am definitely a newbie to this whole thing so a setup that is more forgiving as opposed to world class is in order. I do feel like wheels need an upgrade and I can probably trade for some Randall trucks if I do it soon. The local shop carrys loaded and dregs boards and randall trucks and seems to have some brains. I really feel like the bushings broke in and softened up some during the run. I tightened them a turn and they are better. The shop said I could tighten them until three threads were showing but no more than that. they are at one and a half currently and were jsut flush with the kingpin when I lost it.
  18. I picked up a DREGS longboard on the cheap the other day. not sure what model but its 56 or 57 inches long pintailed with a slightly rounded nose. Fantastic flexy deck. anyway I had the foresight to go get some harder bushings at the skate shop to accomadate my weight. I did not however factor in the possibility of them breaking in halfway down the hill. I proceeded to develop a nasty case of speed / death wobble and piled it up in a ditch going somewhat faster than I can run. the helmet works I rang my bell a little and got scraped up from top to bottom but the most damage was my foot. I rearranged most of the bones in my right foot so badly I couldn't walk on it. After a trip to my Xray machine to see if I broke it I had it adjusted and today after my second treatment I would say its at 90% Hurray for good Chiropractic:biggthump I will lay off it for a week or so but I know the board will get another workout. So questions can I find even harder bushings? Are the Dregs trucks prone to speed wobble? Can I at 275# realistically find a set up that won't throw me off at speed? I couldn't brake because I could hardly stay on the thing. Its better since I tightened them down but I still wonder. The bushings are inner core designed Xbones or something bones if that helps. Also what wheels are ideal? It has 70 mm Dregs on it.
  19. Pretty common piece of americana being lost as we speak:( In those days we didn't have shootings in school either. I played my second round of pasture pool of the year:eplus2: and shot a 96 which is great for me. I am usually ecstatic to get close to the 100 mark.
  20. I blinked and missed this one:eplus2: The only reason cars are registered is for the purpose of taxation. Licensure of the driver could be partly assigned to safety concerns but in practicallity it is a revunue raising measure as well. If it was about safety you wouldn't need 3 DUI's to lose it and you would be tested for competency more than just the first time. I know some older folks that should have lost the license years ago but haven't been tested since 1950 whatever. The pat answer is for the safety or for the children or for the good of all etc. The truth is is they told you hi I am from the government and we are going to license your blender so we can make yearly tax revenue you'd have a cow. IF they come and say Hi we're going to license your blender because children have been hurt and not everyone is operating them in a safe manner and we'll tax you a little to cover costs, It doesn't sound so draconian. It doesn't mean they don't want into your pocket:freak3:
  21. It sure seems unconstitutionally vague to me. I suppose it was intended to imply wearing a weapon while having a heated discussion with someone etc. It will no doubt raise all sorts of issues with LIBS who are offended at anything and alarmed by the very idea of a gun. The answer is peaceful protest in large numbers with open carry being the uniform of the day. what are they going to do arrest everyone? The more people carry the more you build a precedent that its ok and reaffirm that it is a basic right. In MT we have open carry with the exception of banks and post offices etc. Up until the last few years it was common to see long guns in every truck window. I often rolled into highschool 2 hours late in december in hip waders with a shotgun in my truck. It would be less accepted today I am sure but we never had any school shootings either. ( I wasn't the only one it was common) We had shooting teams and trap teams and many of us would leave school ready for an afternoon hunt in the fall. Its not an issue here but we do use common sense. Most stores carrying ammunition require an open bolt or action to enter the store but none deny access. Well maybe WALMART but who shops there anyway:lol:
  22. The NRA is probably the largest group lobbying for enforcement. Everytime a new law is proposed the major part of their position is that previoulsly existing laws already cover whatever prompted the new one and enforcing the existing laws is answer. There are a few laws that the NRA has worked to repeal. most of these are related to types of weapons and silly restrictions on whether or not a certain type can have grips mounted a certain way etc. most of the Clinton legislation was pertaining to cosmetic differences rather than functional differences etc. The saturday nite special ban idea would be another example. Many of the proposed laws ban cheap guns "junk guns" " saturday nite specials" etc. the bottom line is that if cheap guns are banned then its a rich man's game again and the poor and lower classes who often need the protection the most are discriminated against. Its an Elitist idea and not a very well thought out one at that. The cute names are just media frosting. In the Columbine incident something like 21 existing gun laws were broken. The problem was obviously lack of enforcement (and perhaps parenting) not the lack of gun control laws. Even in VT he broke at least one law by just stepping on to campus with a gun. I haven't heard the total broken. He may have bought them legally but that was the extent of legal use.
  23. suprisingly self regulated bunch aren't we?! As I said no one is more interested in proper enforcement than a lawful gun owner. WE have the most to lose if the right goes away.
  24. Shotgun preteen vs.. illegal alien Home Invaders NRA files Butte Montana November 5, 2006 Home invasion gone wrong for criminals. Two illegal aliens, Ralphel Resindez 23 and Enrico Garza 26, probably believed they would easily overpower a home alone 11 year old Patricia Harrington after her father had left their two story home. It seems the two crooks never learned two things, they were in Montana and Patricia had been a clay shooting champion since she was nine. Patricia was in her upstairs room when the two men broke through the front door of the house. She quickly ran to her father's room and grabbed his 12 gauge Mossberg 500 shotgun. Resindez was the first to get up to the second floor only to be the first to catch a near point blank blast of buck shot from the 11 year olds knee crouch aim. He suffered fatal wounds to his abdomen and genitals. When Garza ran to the foot of the stairs, he took a blast to the left shoulder and staggered out into the street where he bled to death before medical help could arrive. It was found out later that Resindez was armed with a stolen 45 caliber handgun he took from another home invasion robbery. The victim, 50 year old David Burien, was not so lucky as he died from stab wounds to the chest. Had this happened in CA, the ACLU would be out in force suing the 11 year old girl. (Not to mention the LaRaza groups claiming she was discriminating.) Nice Shootin', Patricia!
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