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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. the new flights don't start until later this month so I don't know the exact details yet. I will check into it and post as info becomes available. I will get a better idea on room rates when I have a reasonable idea of how many are coming so total up your parties and shoot me an email:biggthump
  2. We seem to have somewhere in the 15 range accounted for. I'd like to see 25 just for ease of the special treatment etc. how about everyone that is definitely coming shoot me an email. Also let me know if you are bringing significant others guests etc. I also need to know if you want in on a group rate at one of the hotels or if you are sharing condos etc. I assume some will want to make their own arrangements on lodging. I can get a group rate at one of the hotels held for a period of time and let you make your reservations on your own but I need an idea how many rooms I am bargaining for. How about hitting the bomber crew up for a rep onsite! Michelle? Fin?
  3. How lucky for you to pick the week so many crazy hardbooters are in town:cool: your secret is safe with us all though I'd keep the wife close and under constant supervision I can't vouch for her safety with some of these guys:lol:
  4. I like it because it keeps my core warm. I can actually wear less clothes than usual on the mountain. the spine protector keeps my back warm and its the difference between laying there gasping for air and getting up and running down the *&%$$% that just knocked me flat:eplus2: :D wider shoulders balance out the beer belly well to fellas:biggthump that and the elastic kidney belt to suck it in:lol: really they go on just like a shirt. one zipper and you are good to go
  5. I wear sixsixone and love it. There is some other better stuff out there but its spendy and hard to fit a big guy. search ebay there are good sixsixone deals to be had on the stores.
  6. front tierney or rear? Any idea how to keep it from draggin the deck on the ground in a deep carve?
  7. Most of it is south of us though.
  8. You should see my handwriting skills:eplus2: theyrrrre worse than my tipying:lol: PS a masters would be a step down. I'd have to go for another Phd:barf: I will stick to the school of hard knocks thanx
  9. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: very nice work mellow , and subtle to! Save up your sick time man you can pull two trips if you start this early:biggthump Plus you didn't get the full groom experience last time out:(
  10. I will talk to the mtn as soon as I get a list of probables together. I will also stress the possibility of annual event with growing numbers etc. I will shop the condo situation to. maybe we can get a cheap block of rooms etc. I will also see about transportation to blacktail mtn one day. I know I can get a killer rate there and its all good groom. It would also be a good back up if the BIG is fogged in. ITs small but its killer groom and we'd have it to ourselves on a weekday.
  11. I count these as probables Mellow Yellow Shred Gruumer Cuban Carving Gooding Paulk Helmut Karvelow Martyagt4 west carven buster Allee chuck Steve Prokopiw Cristan Dr D 3-4 more locals Dan some more possibles on the willcall list John Mcginnis C5 Natew brian sutherland Anyone from portland or seattle can catch a train to the mountain overnight:biggthump saltlake Chicago Seattle Atlanta Minneapolis-St Paul Denver should all have direct flights for 2007-2008 season
  12. Depends on what kind of enthusiasts:freak3: Some group sessions out there are a little weird:eplus2:
  13. interesting technique on the last one:lol:
  14. ideas for special treatment???? First tracks day Garage snowboards demos Free melloyello Moose COCK drinks:lol: pass deals etc. NOTE on travel. we will have two more airline options by then. a direct flight out of chicago and Atlanta for sure anda couple more in the works:biggthump
  15. Dr D

    Name My Cat

    :lol: :lol: :lol: I hear that. I have to remulch my gardens regularly and its getting to be a nasty job. I am gonna try the mothball trick:angryfire
  16. Dr D

    Name My Cat

    when's the funeral I mean wedding? This is serious stuff here! she is definitely testing you man. somebody find michelle we need a woman's perspective on this one. I guess you should decide what you want out of the relationship before you listen to any of us:lol:
  17. According to some studies anyway. visualization alone caused more improvement than practice alone in free throw shooting in one study. both methods used together was even better:biggthump I also heard a story about a NAM POW that played his favorite golf course in his head every day for 4 years in captivity and his handicap was significantly improved when he returned home. Day dream all you want just make sure your form is spot on:eplus2: don't be practicing the butt drag:lol:
  18. All in favor of the last week in January speak up. earlier we get into christmas issues and later we have canadian holidays (they have a lot of them:lol: ) that clog up the slopes with people.
  19. Its still oodles cheaper than colorado:eplus2: If we get enough interest maybe us locals can arrange a little special treatment:biggthump
  20. the big mtn rub in thread with paulkhas some! actually visibility is the worst when its snowing hard and you are in the cloud. generally there is visibility on the mtn somewhere you just need a local guide:biggthump Most of the winter the mtn is above the inversion. ITs cloudy and fogged in down in town and sweet sunshine on the mtn:1luvu: this is a very good day
  21. Dr D


    I can wrap my mind around it as far as logging roads with low pressure in the tires etc. I don't see myself bombing down a ski run in the summer or anything:eek:
  22. Dr D

    updated garage sale

    didja get them? I found an extra set of liners for them and the shells minus tongues. if they work out for you let me know and I will ship them to you for the shipping. can't hurt to have parts on hand
  23. I have been mixing and matching trucks on my supertanker for kicks. Interesting combo that has potential. I left one m1 gullwing on and replaced the other with a front tierney truck. when ridden gullwing first with a relatively narrow forward angle stance it carves really deep and is much more stable than the tierney board. when ridden tierney first I had to move way back on the board but it would really carve. It would drag the deck on the road occasionally that way though. this is on a very mello hill by my house. I think using a good downhill truck in the front and a tierney rear in the back would make for a stable speed combo. Anyone else experimenting?
  24. Dr D


    http://www.illusion-atc.com/ here's the site. I found it looking at luge stuff. they have a mean looking mtnboard luge.
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