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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. The tierney is a wide wheel on a limited castor. It will only go 5 or 10 degrees off center and it compresses a bushing when it does. the bushing rebound pushes it back to center when you come out of the corner. It kinda feels like the pop in a snowboard. Additionally the newer models have the rear truck pinned so it doesn't flex at all. only the front truck moves so it feels like a snowboard hooking up when you lay it over. I have a 42 inch used one if you are interested in giving it a try. I would let it go pretty cheap. the ripstick is just like a shopping cart castor with the exception that it isn't level they are canted at about 30 degrees down in front. they prefer to go forward but can go anywhere. they won't carve unless you can control your feet that well. and they get mad speed wobble quickly.
  2. Dr D

    My first Luge

    I am using randall RII with the hangers flipped. they are as cheap as $30 a pair on ebay. they work well no wobbles and just adjust the bushings according to your weight as you would on a downhill setup. I have two on the front and one on the back. Any downhill speed wheel seems to work. my downhill buds are telling me the cored wheels like kryptos are prone to heat failure but then others like the abec 11 flywheels. basically you want a little drift on the back axle and you want the fronts to stay hooked up. I have kryptos on the back and retro big zigs on the front currently. I am leaning toward the landhawgs from landyachtz next go round. I am having a metal luge built as well so we will see how that goes.
  3. Dr D

    My first Luge

    tandem front trucks now! I also put a set of big zig retros on the front axles for grab and left the round shouldered kryptos on the back for drift. I will let you know how it goes.
  4. looks like the cherry or apple from the old pacman games:lol: and thus a new moniker is born pacmandea
  5. just ordered the scimitar deck 59$ can't wait to try it. incredible pricing especially if you already have randals
  6. my son has one. It is capable of some truly astounding things it will turn around in about a 20 inch circle and go the other way, it will go straight sideways, it will power itself uphill(if you shake your ASS fast enough) etc. it is great on a gentle incline but totally and completely unsafe on a hill. lots of fun but not really a skateboard:biggthump
  7. my eyes myeyes aaaaagh:eek: :eek: that's gotta smart a little
  8. Dr D

    My first Luge

    is there a hub design that works to pull heat away from the urethane? speed vents maybe or is it just a name? what about the aluminum hubbed ones.
  9. Dr D

    My first Luge

    the bearings were fine after and before. I put them on the extra wheels and finished the next two runs. I don't know, is it possible that the nut was a little tight on that side or something? seems like the bearing would show signs of a problem if it came from them. IT was a chip sealed road so lots of sharp edges etc. none of the other wheels from either set showed much wear even. I just assumed that since it was on the front it had more weight on it and more lateral force in the corners. I figured that it had a flaw in the urethane or something. I am totally sold on the luge! what a rush. yet very stable and controlable compared to the downhill boards.
  10. Dr D

    My first Luge

    I blew my front left wheel yesterday at 52 mph on a 4 mile hill. kryptonics 76mm 78 duro I think, anyway it ran on the hub until I got it stopped. I expected a wipeout but it wasn't even really a problem. I would like some advice on the best speed wheels that won't overwhelm an 8mm axle. what duro and size, favorite brands etc. I am leaning toward abec 11 flywheels in the 83mm size.
  11. Dr D

    My first Luge

    So Here's the deal I scrapped most of the original luge and rebuilt it on a 2x4 drop rail. I reinforced the lower rail with a piece of aluminum angle on each side. home depot has everything! I basically have a pegless rail type luge with gumball style hamstring support and handles. It works great lots of adjustability for trucks possible I will update as I fine tune it. The other is the buttboard. its not quite to comp standards as I made it a little wider but it has a nice controllable leverage on the trucks for my 12 year old:biggthump
  12. ITs a tossup for sure based on what one hears. however most days you would be above the fog at Big mtn. I suggest it because you would be around so long. if you were coming for a week that would be different. you also have the option of blacktail (great groom ) if its fogged on on the Big. Big sky didn't have snow coverage last year until early february so it was a rock board fest. hard to know what to tell you based on last year down there.
  13. BIG MTN is incredibly cheap as far as rentals go. You can also get the cheap season pass price thru september this year it usually ends in may. I think you would save a ton between passes and rent. If you bring a car and don't mind a half hour drive winter season rentals out in the valley are even cheaper. Whitefish whatever the $%# they are calling it now winter resort.
  14. The dude in the red is doing full layed outEurocarves must be a hardbooter:biggthump
  15. where did you find it? I can't seem to google it
  16. Calm down brah ITs always hot in july! makes you appreciate the white goodness to come:biggthump
  17. I built a classic luge/buttboard and a variation of the infamous gumball machine luge yesterday. The buttboard was the simplest piece of fun I have ever built. the bigger luge is still in prototype phase and looks to perform well but I need to stiffen it up some. Its a woodie and my big butt obviously needs another stringer underneath it. I ran my local hill with no problems but it has as much flex as my longboard. I am going to try using the half inch aluminum square tubing down each edge to stiffen it up. Any suggestions from the peanut gallery welcome:lurk: I have been running about 45 -50 mph luge style on my Dregs 56" deck with randalls flipped over and hard bushings. they are wedged as well for less turn in the rear and more in the front. The buttboard works even better than that. I am hoping to feel safe enough on the luge to speed it up a little.
  18. not necessary midweek for sure and the weekends shouldn't be bad that week. I think fifty hardbooters might actually draw some notice and perhaps some understanding after the 30th or so trench goes ripping past. here's the new snow update:biggthump
  19. ITs an idea worth checking into:lurk:
  20. Dr D


    here's one for the horsepower fans http://break.com/index/we-are-the-champions.html
  21. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/19380779/?GT1=10056:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  22. thanx for the heads up on the two extra. I figured you had a couple but didn't know for sure. I will try to have a set agenda and a single point of contact for all the tickets and rooms etc with the option to get your own rooms seperately.
  23. ITs a 3 hr drive to spokane and 6-7 to the coast depending on where you are going or coming from. Its a good C5 run:biggthump Flathead is 650 feet deep and the largest surface area lake west of the mississippi. we have lake trout that are monsters and lots of trout fishing in the smaller lakes etc. The macks are world class. I do know a good fishing guide for macks. We also have huge pike in the river sloughs and some of the lakes.
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