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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. snowed here last night above 5000 ft Its still up there tonite so it must have been a pretty good dump.
  2. IT would depend on the DC in question certainly. I would like to think that most would at least refer out to a PT if they don't do that kind of work themselves. I would have to say you were unlucky. If your chiro says come back when it hurts you are in the wrong place. I recomend and teach many core stability techniques to all my patients. I also encourage walking, swimming etc. Cross tracking type exercise is good for the spine. Current thinking and the push towards wellness based practices is teaching patients to use massage yoga pilates tai chi etc. to help develop healthy body balance.
  3. something like a foot in the mountains above us. :biggthump :biggthump I am now officially jonesin bad:eek:
  4. there are two different kinds of leg length difference. Functional and structural. Structural leg length differences are usually femur injuries in the growth plate resulting in a shorter bone. Functional leg length difference occurrs when the pelvis and /or spine is misaligned pulling one side higher than the other. Functional leg length differences that don't respond to Chiropractic care usually require a custom soft orthotic designed to stabilize the arches of the foot resulting in more pelvic stability as opposed to the old school idea of a lift to support the "short" leg. Structural leg length deficiencies require a lift if they are recent injuries. If you have had an undiagnosed structural short leg for years your spine has adapted and probably shouldn't be lifted. Disturbing old compensations with a lift on the short leg can cause all sorts of instabilities and symptoms.
  5. I see this a lot in practice and I wouldn't necessarily jump to the conclusion that its snowboard related. I see it in all kinds of non snowboarders. It is a spine related issue. The spine compensates for injury and fixation by relaxing ligaments elsewhere in the spine. this can result in all sorts of weird posture changes. If you drop me some contact info and your location I can see if there is a decent Chiropractor in your area. It is very difficult to give you clear answers without doing an exam and seeing some xrays but feel free to contact me directly for a Q and A session if you would like. IF it is snowboard related it is likely due to a wreck rather than repetitive use.
  6. I had one see pics I am not sure what year it was. I gotta say it was one of the best softie carvers I have ridden. I didn't particulary like it with hard boots though. that might have contributed to the negative press. I rode it with switch softies at high enough angles to clear the heels and toes on a size 13 boot. It was quick responxive and screaming fast. the base had kind of a dimpled golf ball texture thing going on that was super fast. all and all I wish I still had it.
  7. I am having a hell of a time getting them to call me back???!??!?
  8. Dr D

    WTF Tourists?

    fenders is espensive bob hitten em on purpose would jus be stupid!!!!! even if ya gots one a dem fancy train style front bumpers the durn things roll unnerneath an tare up the intacoolah:smashfrea
  9. Dr D

    WTF Tourists?

    yes tourists are a necessary evil.:rolleyes: I like them better than the ones that think they need to move here because they love our way of life, but feel obligated to change everything when they get here. Tourists at least go home after a week or two:lol:
  10. Dr D

    WTF Tourists?

    speaking of stupid lawsMontana has made it against the law to salvage the meat. there is a 100 mile stretch near me where the residents average 1 1/2 deer strikes per person per year. they are over populated. The meat that wasn't damaged was always picked up and used or donated etc. now it has to sit on the side of the road and rot:AR15firin I have put down at least three deer left on the side of the road alive in the last year. law or not I don't know anyone from here who would hesitate to put a poor injured animal out of its misery. WE have the opposite problem with tourists here. they tend to block traffic and attempt to find an emergency VET :freak3: etc. and ring there hands and say what do we do what do we do etc. usually a local wanders up and slits its throat causing massive therapy bills upon said tourists return to California:lol: Its not that we are callous we are just real. In the real world things die and its normal and ok. We do what we can to help achieve a humane resolution to the problem. Doctoring them is simply not an option and its also against the law so your damned if you do and damned if you don't.
  11. the pool will never be the same:lol:
  12. Dr D


    check with blueb for the osin/dynastar. the 168 or 178 are both great boards and are quite affordable and can be ridden on the groom much better than a true swallow.
  13. Dr D


    I always just tell them! ITs fun and most of them actually appreciate the help.
  14. I should have some details by the end of the week. the group sales rep has been out on and off for the last month. She returns the 12th and I will be waiting.
  15. email sent pics plz to delaneycarlsonathotmaildotcom
  16. Dr D

    Where's Gonzo?

    I just noticed this was almost three month old news!!!!! might have something to do with the big campaign finance scandal that is blowing up on the dem side. It appears lady hillary has been dipping into the chinese money again. some people never learn:freak3:
  17. Dr D

    Where's Gonzo?

    politically there is more hay to make going after a long term senator than after an appointee. It is doubtful that gonzo will have any greater effect on the next election than he already has. sort of beating a dead horse. A conservative wanking in the mens room though, no thats sure to stir up some ****. Of course your average american has no opinion really, politically, they just want to be entertained. SEX SELLS it always has:cool:
  18. Dr D

    Wheel Size

    you just shim up the trucks with riser plates sized accordingly. wedged risers will increase or decrease the turnability a given truck, by changing the relative angle of the truck base plate, depending on wether you mount them angled in or angled out.
  19. there are a couple of regular sellers on ebay with suits in the 299 -399 range.
  20. Dr D

    Wheel Size

    I burnt up a krypto it delammed and flew off the core. I was on a luge so it wasn't a disaster but it would have been ugly if I had been standing:eek: be careful which cored wheels you pick for speed. ixnay on the kryptos 80mm or otherwise:biggthump
  21. in this case its the head he likes:lol: I have one just like it. it'll back up like nothing else but its takes the hide right off the ball. I use mine sparingly in emergency type situations only. I suppose if you tee it up with the scuff in the right spot it could effect your drive positively. when I am playing a friendly game I just swap out balls for my scuff ball before hitting it. the club isn't legal so swapping balls really isn't that big a deal ;)
  22. ITs wild how short of a distance they will turn around in. my son rides his in the kitchen (drives his mother nuts) when he can't get outside. As to learning things about your boarding, I have learned that my balance isn't near what I thought it was. All of my skateboarding experiece this summer will impact my snowboard season positively:biggthump
  23. The dynastar version is tougher than the early Osins don't ride it switch on the groomers (it can be done but u r on your own there) I have ridden mine switch in the pow in tight glades long enough to navigate back to a nose friendly area. They aren't a true swallow tail. a swallow tail is soft and noodley and has long tails the 4807 has a short tail like the old burton elites. Its also very stiff along the effective edge. the super long boat nose is the soft part but it doesn't hook up and fold like a regular nose ( i assume because the boat shape lifts it off the snow faster and earlier than a traditional design. ) Its a good all around board with a lot of unique features.
  24. DITTO IF you don't mind going directional the 4807 will blow your mind. the only powder board I have ridden that I can lay over on the hardpack and hold a screaming edge on. soft in the nose and stiff between the edges. I have them in both the 168 and 178 lengths and I actually prefer the shorter one. the boat nose lends itself well to moguls and tight glades. I am 6'4" 275 lbs
  25. This opens up a whole new can of worms! depending on sidecut geometry you can vary the degree of said HOOK. The identity fans among us love them because their geometry controls the hookability rather than the tail. the standards have a tighter radius in the front so they hook up instantly when you lay them over but the radius relaxes as it goes back allowing you to unhook and pop into the next turn at will. No more getting "stuck" in a turn. this doesn't work well for racers back in the pack since a rutted course doesn't need to hook up so easy and it really needs to hold the turn further through the turn. Johns answer to this was to build some boards backwards so to speak. the geometry reversed allows the racer to hold the turn as long as needed through a rutted out gate. As your standings improve and the need changes you go back to the standard board. So much more to it than just a round sidecut:biggthump
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