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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. that's because they replaced fat with muscle! muscle is heavier so less muscle is put on than fat is removed size wise. I would encourage all of you to forget the scales and use a body fat measuring system or simple waist and neck measurements instead. weight is a poor indicator of fitness and strength. Just be sure to use the same method each time and use the same instrument or person to do the measuring so you get a consistent result. women will often maintain the same average weight and men will often gain weight as their fitness levels improve.
  2. walking or swimming are the best bet. running burns muscle. Unless you are built like a kenyan it hurts. Joint pain and bust pain both.:lol: walking is great fat burning without sacrificing muscle mass. Guys, you don't want to lose your muscle mass or you won't retain the weight loss long term. you need the muscle to burn future calories. girls you may want to lose a little muscle depending on your shape goals but the same principal applies. moderate weight bearing exercise is the key to building quality muscle mass. so if you are hitting a preseason weight routine and walking or swimming you are getting the best of both worlds. the inline skaters among us are also doing fine no need to walk or swim for them.
  3. shotgun barrels are much thinner and react totally differently. they usually just bulge where the blockage was. be careful buying a used one you will sometimes find a bulged barrel.
  4. Dr D

    4807 178

    got any 3800"s left?
  5. I used to ride the m6 set up and I would have to say that you will be dissappointed with the direction Burton has gone performance wise. You would like an OSIN 4807 168 or any of a number of Boardercross boards. F2 speedcross madd BX etc similiar to what you are used to without to much narrow modern alpine influence my .02
  6. I bid on the ebay one but stopped when it went above a closeout one I found elsewhere on the net. there is another on the bay now. one of my riding buddies has one and its interesting. Its split about 8 inches into the tail and the core is " built up" along the edges creating a variable flex situation that is somewhat unique. I consider the dampening pads to be kinda gimicky (autodrive?) but they should have a soft feel anyway. Rob says its the be all end all pow board. we'll see:cool:
  7. The sskwal isn't a difficult transition just a different one. Its more like skiing on one leg or slalom water skiing in the transition. when you are really ripping you can get way in the back seat and use the rebound of the tail to throw you through the transition very much like water skiing. Its only difficult if you bring to much snowboard to the equation. The narrow virus seems to be riding a thin line between the two. I have ridden 17 and 18 cm boards with softies and had a lot of fun. Again its a different animal. I think on softer boards its great on a super stiff stick you will wear out your calves quickly. lots of work for the back leg pressuring a stiff board. I think a 17 cm board relatively soft with good stiff softies is a fabulous combonation. check out surf-rodz.com for the softie carving ideas
  8. No I didn't get out of montana boarding at all last season.:( but then we had a great snow year so I really didn't need to!
  9. All excellent points! I only got 39 days in last year. But it doesn't say window cleaner it says WIDOW cleaner:eek:
  10. Thor I was reading your profile and came across something that needs clarification. Just what is involved in Widow cleaning??:lol: Brings to mind that old ski movie with the cougar and to ski patrol dudes can't remember the name. Any way is the work difficult? Do you need specialized equipment etc etc:lol: :lol:
  11. MADD BX nuff said good compromise:eplus2: I didn't take you guys to the really deep stuff. I guess paulk got a taste. deep and steep is pretty hard to beat. Find a local and follow them to the pockets and hollows in the mountain where the wind lays it in twice as deep! I also have three powder boards now that I would be willing to share on a good day. OSIN 4807 168 OSIN 4807 178 Dynastar legend 174 MADD BX WCT old school hardboot powder demon the Burton M6 circa 1990 ASYM:D
  12. a note on the zardoz. having wax in your base is the key to this stuff. IT won't save a dry base.
  13. gotta have the Zardoz on warm days. and cold temp wax is a must as well. both extremes can kill a day on the mountain if your wax isn't up to it.
  14. The mere asking of this question begs the question "Have you ever been in armpit deep freshies?":freak3: Like PAULK says we carve because freshies are few and far between. I'll save some for you paul see ya in january!
  15. easier to get off the chair lift:lurk:
  16. I simply want to know what the difference between a narrow virus and a skwal is! I can see that the stance width is wider on the virus rather than heel to toe like the skwal. I am curious about the ride differences. mostly I was commenting because I understand that skwals were booted out of snowboarding events when it became clear that they were a different animal entirely. Looking at the slim waisted virri I simply wondered where that cutoff point lies?? Clearly I need one and they are pure heaven and all that jazz! But answer the question.
  17. So I have been checking on this whole virus brewhaha and I find myself watching video footage of the product being ridden. Someone tell me please what the difinitive difference between a virus snowboard and a garden variety skwal is. Other than stance width and maaaaybe minor angle differences I don't see it. What makes a virus a snowboard and not a skwal??????? Not that there's anything wrong with that:lol: it looks like a hoot
  18. Dr D

    new luge

    sounds good! give me a day or two notice and I will buzz up after work. I just got into the longboard thing this yr as well. I hit some late night sessions in kalispell over the summer. I have a tierney but I find the darn thing next to impossible to stay on top of.
  19. check out an F2 speedcross they carve well in softies . the soft carve GURU as far as new equipment design is here http://web.mac.com/surfrodz/Site/SZ_snow.html wayne has some killer ideas. otherwise pick a softer flex alpine board and any of them will work. the naysayers just haven't tried it with the right amount of enthusiasm:eplus2: I ride an 18cm waisted board at 60 degrees plus in softies no problems. check out the pics on the above links and see how severe the angles are. It becomes a little bit more like waterskiing or skwalling.
  20. Let me know when you are coming I will be glad to show you around. check out the big mountain expression session thread maybe you can visit when a bunch of trench diggers are in town:biggthump
  21. http://web.mac.com/surfrodz/Site/SZ_ASB_System.html most of us have seen wayne's website but I don't think many have noticed the vid clip at the bottom of the page. The ASB system is an UNREAL concept. UNTIL .... you see him ride the thing. :biggthump
  22. Dr D

    new luge

    love to! I have been building long boards and luges all summer. I got run off my best hill with the fires. the talley lake road into marion is a 4 mile hill. 55 mph 3 inches off the chip seal is a wild ride:eplus2: full leathers and a motorcycle helmet for sure. I wrecked it once earlier in the summer and lost a chunk of my ass so leathers were suddenly a priority:lol: when are you guys riding?
  23. www.DRMALLEN.com also one in weymouth and one in hanover one in marblehead etc etc
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