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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. I assume the bladders are fairly solid like the airrides on a truck????? weight specific though
  2. the basic concept isn't bad really. I don't think he's using the board well enough to pull it off for a performance board though. He's not using enough of the board to get the best flex pattern. I could see changing the shape of the bladder and the top plate and using a really stiff bladder to approximate a cross between a tinkler and a hangle plate with a little extra dampness. maybe I think am I talking out of my ass here:lol: :lol: :lol: ????
  3. Try the 168 4807 with your softie setup at whatever angles are necessary to avoid toe drag and carve it up:biggthump they didn't say what board you had to use and it would be a good FU statement. Not to mention that this particular set up rails:biggthump :biggthump the sweet spot is all the way back for carving! I would offer a hardboot demonstration after class as is possible. there is sure to be questions about the odd gear you are riding giving you a segway into the hardboot realm.
  4. I am hitting bigsky the 6th thru the 9th if anyones gonna be up there let me know. It looks like its geting dumped on. The BIg fish is catching some good snow for opening day that weekend but I made plans before there was any and it didn't look like we were getting any:confused: oh well the next weekend it is on for sure. Hey dave let me know when you figure your regular schedule out and I will try and hit it with you guys a little more regular this yr.
  5. http://www.youtube.com/skiwhitefish ITs supposed to snow the rest of the week up to opening day:biggthump :biggthump 15 inches settled base in the village and 35 inches settled base at the summit. Late start but catching up fast!!!!
  6. check out the vid clip at the bottom left of this page surf rodz is onto something sweet http://web.mac.com/surfrodz/Site/SZ_ASB_System.html and just a little scary
  7. I swear some of the stuff that comes up on this site. faith should be a personal choice exhibited to others by your actions not your words. If we could all be satisfied with the task of saving our own souls we wouldn't have to fight over everyone elses. " ..........something about .......a beam in your own eye:freak3:
  8. interesting situation because it makes you think. Whose ideas and laws make for a better world????
  9. uh my kids have one yeah that's it. my wife bought that excuse anyway:lol: My oldest can ride it better than I can so that helps maintain my cover:biggthump lots of fun just don't ride it down a hill of any significance without notifying next of kin first:eek:
  10. gotta luv old school simple:biggthump It works great on that pj7 I bet:lol:
  11. Last I checked the IRA was a political party. AS to their history, they never took it beyond the british who were occupying their country. They were absolutely committing terrorist acts but they don't seem to have a religious mandate to wipe out the entire rest of the world if it won't convert. I hope you don't think think this about race:nono: its about ideals. I don't understand the resistance to the fact that we have an enemy that wants to kill us to the last man. The palestinian israeli thing is understandable its the same scenario as ireland and britain but the current threat isn't about that its about religion. all religions would like to increase their following but as far as I know the quran is the only one that mandates death to all who refuse to convert. ITs called JIHAD
  12. Dr D

    new luge

    almost finished just needs handles and some excess material cut out of the side walls.
  13. like they say one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter:eplus2: as for immigration and terrorism its a risk and a weak point that needs fixed in our national security policy whether or not we can link past occurrences to illegals. we did stop a bomber coming in from BC at the bellingham crosing a while back. the point is they are at war with us whether or not we choose to be at war with them and they have to cross the border in some way in order to attack us at home. We should be prepared to do what we can to prevent that.
  14. mcveigh was a stooge a patsy a moron a pawn:freak3: He didn't have enough braincells to properly butter bread let alone setup that attack. I would tend to believe that the dark complected man seen with mcveigh on numerous security videos was probably , you guessed it, a muslim extremist. there just isn't anyone else out there quite so committed to killing americans indiscriminately. Our homegrown bozos usually have a specific agenda. The Una bomber had a thing for authority and college profs
  15. the human condition is better represented by the wide body of literature than by the narrow minded science IMHO:biggthump
  16. They also have muslim extremists blowing up commuter trains and influencing national elections:smashfrea security has to come first. then a coherent system for them to come here can be put in place.
  17. make a difference buy local from small producers preferably organic. It will affect the market in a positive way and you will be healthier:biggthump hit the local farmers market the farmer makes way more for his product and you pay less!
  18. Sorry it was my change I was to lazy to retype and forgot to remove the quotes:eek:
  19. shooting might be over the top but enforcing the law would be nice:ices_ange people who hire illegals are also people willing to break the law inorder to line their pockets. Never mind if one or two want to smuggle in a nuke and blow it up in manhattan:smashfrea my concern is security. If we need more workers then figure out a way to get them here legally with a background check so we know who is here and who we are letting in.
  20. Dr D

    Free computer

    Its all about percieved value baby:biggthump :biggthump
  21. Dr D

    Free computer

    dude you live in bellevue:freak3: :freak3: hike it over to the next burb and try again:lol: :lol:
  22. it really isn't that hard to understand:smashfrea
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