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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. I can probably find you a new old stock or slightly used identity replacement. I hang out with the original builder occasionally. He also makes a new board called a garage and the 178 carbon would blow you away.
  2. looks like they were smoking the good stuff at the factory that day:lol:
  3. flouro powder rubbed in to the wax as a last step makes it so slick its hard to stand up in the lift line. the stuff Dr D's on ebay is selling in 100 gram lots is great. note}} its not me just a coincidence on the name. it comes up under snowboard race search and is listed as a going out of business item.
  4. Say now, who is that handsome son of a bitch? and what is he doing in mellows fantasy?? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: seriously dude you need to develop a good excuse to take some sick time. IT won't be the same without you:biggthump
  5. <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=760 border=0><TBODY><TR height=20><TD class=f14 vAlign=top align=left width=300> Whitefish Mtn Resort Snow Report </TD><TD class=f10 vAlign=top align=right width=460>Signup up for "My Big Mountain" to get email alerts.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE class=gbvrs cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=4 width=760 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=f12white vAlign=center align=left width=250 bgColor=#003366>Reported on 12-21-2007 </TD><TD vAlign=center align=right width=27 bgColor=#003366> </TD><TD vAlign=center align=left width=35 bgColor=#003366>Print </TD><TD class=f10white vAlign=center align=middle width=363 bgColor=#003366>Report created at 05:46PM - (406)862-SNOW </TD><TD class=f10whiteb vAlign=center align=right width=85 bgColor=#003366></TD></TR><TR><TD class=f10blue vAlign=top align=left colSpan=5>Snow Report updated by David: What a beautiful bluebird day. The sun is shining, the wind is light, and the air is crisp. The snow off piste has set up over night and is skiing well. East rim and the face are sitting in the sunshine and skiing fine. If you like ripping groomers then today may be your dream day. The groomers are fast and smooth and the visibilty is fantastic. Chair 2 area is skiing really good and the views of the flathead valley are worth the trip. The latest word is that Hellroaring Basin will be opening on Sat morning to chair 11. I will update you as soon as I know more definite details. With the chance of the basin opening this weekend we could almost be 100% open before Christmas. Mother Nature has been kind to us this year and will hopefully continue through 2008. :biggthump :biggthump :biggthump </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
  6. ITs a ten hour drive from seattle. the amtrak is a great option as well. january 25- feb 2 is the dates so the bulk of the week would still be available looks like. amtrak is an overnight so you arrive at whitefish at around 7am. it can be done after the workday from seattle even. I think it leaves seattle around 7pm.
  7. Dr D

    4807 178

    I tried out the 3800 last week:biggthump its a blast. I haven't had it in the deep powder yet but its a hoot on the groom the tail will give a lot back for a softer board. fun stick:eplus2:
  8. unreal day for early season:ices_ange 7 inches yesterday 7 more today 14 inches of powderliciousness:biggthump full snow pack now no more rock worries. bring your powder boards just in case kids:biggthump
  9. great idea if you have the room. I will find out what interest we have and maybe post some sizes etc if I can.
  10. The Fluffy . . . <SMALL>Man, is it snowing. Just look at this succinct and graphical representation of the NOAA forecast for mid-mountain:</SMALL> <SMALL></SMALL> <SMALL>Add that to a 43" packed powder base with 5 new inches in the last 24 hours and 22" in the last 7 days and you have what I like to call really, really, really, really, really good conditions. They're getting better every day. Are you drooling yet? Get up here, silly</SMALL>
  11. I have no idea where you got that idea???? I help out at garage occasionally and they are all made in a press there. Oh yeah and they are all cap construction. It just depends on the tooling you have.
  12. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: crazy-bitch-O'meter:lol: :lol: :lol:
  13. Dr D

    Neti Pot

    lots of benefits to the practice of netipots. however its a pain in the ass. they now make an interesting little gadget, whose name escapes me at the moment, to take its place. ITs basically a 300mm syringe with a soft silicone ball on the end of it. you suck up the solution and then press the ball against one nostril. you then slowly inject the solution into your nose while leaning over the sink. the solution and all the gook comes out the other nostril and you are clear. I also recomend using colloidal silver as a flush for nasal infection. You can find this gadget at your local health food store they work great and you don't have to stand on your head and use a gravy boat:lol:
  14. aaaaaaah:ices_ange I guess I really should make a point to learn the names of the darn things.
  15. It looks like we have 15-20 so far confirmed depending on the day. not everyone is going to be there the whole week. we have 7 locals and 3-5 wannabe's that will be interested in riding with us and experiencing the alpine vibe. Garage will have some demos available I am trying to get a surfrodz demo to have on hand. Still pursueing a first tracks priviledge etc. Hellroaring apres at least one day. specials being pursued at other venues as well. hell roaring was glad to have us when they found out mellow wouldn't be there bastardizing their drink menu:lol: :lol:
  16. the description fits. I never caught up with them but I had a great time. we hit the $15 special at moonlight on friday and then the free military weekend at bigsky. It was great I had never been so I really enjoyed the change. well worth the drive. I hope to try out the hills down at missoula and on lookout this winter as well.
  17. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: (to the cat lover's among us, I am not that sadistic I'm not I'm not) but I am definitely a dog person:eplus2:
  18. OMG:eek: you people desperately need snow. :freak3:
  19. IT was ****ing hilarious but carvedog said it best +1:lol: IMHO worrying what other people think is a terrible way to live. I wish the PC movement was in the car with the "freedom fighter":freak3:
  20. America Needs More CCW: ŠSuppose the Omaha mall held, say, 5,000 people busily shopping. If that were so, we would know now that it is less than a one in 5,000 chance that a law- abiding American will be carrying a firearm. And for all the citizens of Nebraska that could have been saved this week, that's a pathetic performance by societyŠIf one out of every 500 people were utilizing a concealed carry permit in Nebraska today, there could have been 10 guns trained on target when the adolescent evil fool began his self-indulgent terrorism. But because we do not have even one in 5,000, there are nine people dead. (Commentary ignores that the mall in question was posted ³no guns.²) http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=59069 CCRKBA Comments: Eight more innocent Americans have been sacrificed on the altar of political correctness at Omaha's Westroads Mall this week, and the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms said today that the real outrage of this crime is that it happened in a "gun free zone" where law-abiding private citizens are disarmed by mall rules and state statute. "In the wake of this horrible crime," said CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, "gun control extremists are already demanding more useless gun control legislation. A prohibition on firearms at Westroads Mall did not stop Robert Hawkins, but it did give him a risk-free environment in which to unleash his rampage." http://www.reuters.com/article/pressRelease/idUS229616+06-Dec-2007+PRN20071206 John Lott Comments: A Google news search using the phrase "Omaha Mall Shooting" finds an incredible 2,794 news stories worldwide for the last day. From India and Taiwan to Britain and Austria, there are probably few people in the world who haven¹t heard about this tragedy. But despite the massive news coverage, none of the media coverage, at least by 10 a.m. Thursday, mentioned this central fact: Yet another attack occurred in a gun-free zoneŠ http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,315563,00.html
  21. I missed a couple on alpine gear several times saturday. curious who it was.
  22. I bailed and went to bigsky for three days. moonlight basin was nice but still prettyrocky. Bigsky was awesome. andesite opened on saturday and I got on the third or fourth chair up the mountain. untouched powder :biggthump Big fish got a dump while I was down there and another last night. 9 inches of fresh this am. Snow ghosts on opening day after being nearly bare a week earlier hell of a start.
  23. Dr D

    Who is Skeez Rule ?

    R U the same jeffnstefanie that has the 3800's on the bay? how many do you have left?
  24. hmm new boards (looking around to see if wife is in the room) yeah I have a dynastar osin 3800 A dynastar legend autodrive A madd BX world cup a set of lovely blaze orange head stratos pros that actually fit:biggthump and a few small experiments involving small softer alpine boards with softies at high angles:eek: I am hoping to get a surfrodz demo this yr as well. see you up there:biggthump
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