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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. micro current stimulation would help healing and pain. See http://www.painmasterpatch.com/painmaster.asp?c=chiro wei labs has an herbal poultice type patch that speeds bone healing immensely called the fasst patch and another called the whitee patch. http://www.weilab.com/ I have used both with excellent results. pdf on bone growth and micro current if interested see link 53 pages http://www.painmasterpatch.com/PDF/BoneGrowth.pdf
  2. there is a good herbal Cox-2 lox-5 inhibitor (same action as viox and celebrex without the heart attack side effect) available called phenocane that works great and is low risk compared to drugs. another that is harder to find is called vaxamine.
  3. the technique to hold a line is more demonstrative as well. I drive the front knee into the hill on my turns so it goes hard left on left turns and hard right on right turns. think of it as forcing the nose to bite harder. It prevents the washout experience so common with softies. get stiff boots. I also prefer stepins switch N-type if you can find them in your size on ebay.
  4. I ride both regularly. a couple of ideas first I find that it takes several runs to "shift gears" from one set up to another. second on softies the board makes all the difference for carving. I recomend very few. the f2 Bx is a great softie carver but not so good with hard boots in my opinion. the garage boards carve well. the dynastar and osin boards often discussed here carve well. boards react differently on softies for sure. angles are a huge part of it. Many hardbooters use specific angles no matter what board they are on. This is a big no-no on softies. You simply don't have enough leverage to pull it off. you must set your heels and toes as close to the edge as possible without booting out. Its the only way to fully control the board. I will open up the back foot angle a few degrees on deep powder days so I get a surfier feel but its back forward again on groomer days. very few boards will perform in chunky and icy conditions with soft boots. the madd bx will and the osins will although you have to be fairly aggressive.
  5. additions buster 4 HB and 2 skiers the whole week. C5 uncertain of which days he will be there carvedog and steveprokopiw unconfirmed as to dates and numbers but planning on coming the dates are january 26 - feb 2 with more people the first half of the week than the second total is now 27 first three days and 20 or so the rest of the week.
  6. some I think are coming but don't know for sureBuster + ? Chuck cristan carvedog boardski c5golfer are you guys in for sure and how many are you bringing?
  7. So far Cuban with 3 for the whole week steve with 3 for the whole week allee the first weekend plus monday possible valhalla tuesday kinpa plus 1/2 first weekend plus monday locals on softies 5 on and off all week local hardbooters skwalluers and monoskis 7 on and off all week current total is 20 for the first three days and then down to 15 or 16 tuesday at valhalla is locals tuesday and is half price. still checking on deals hopefully local price for anyone in the group:eplus2: currently maybe 4 interested in the side trip
  8. check the big mtn expression session thread if you haven't. new info posted:biggthump
  9. very interesting my top two choices were in the top three. some guy I never heard of was on top. **** I already forgot his name:lol:
  10. I have secured three demo boards from Surfrodz for the week. I will also have most of my own quiver available to anyone that wants to give something a try. you will have to mount your own bindings so as to make it your own problem if you break a leg etc. the boards will be available no bindings or boots. their will be the usual legal disclaimer to sign to ride the surfrodz boards. Its looking like lots of snow. Eleven more inches on thursday and 2-3 more today wetter heavier snow that should really firm up the overly soft groomers. There is a strong chance of big powder so I would strongley suggest that everyone bring a powder board or at least an allmtn option. there will be a few demos available but its a good idea to bring your own. the blacktail mtn side trip is currently scrapped due to lack of suficient snow to be worth the trip. that could change and is still an option if the big mtn is fogged in badly. anyone interested in the valhalla cat ski option let me know so I can look into discounts. Tuesday would be the day for that. we need about nine to get the best deal. softie setups are welcome so bring a buddy. the more the merrier. This thread is out of control and hard to tally so everyone that is coming for sure plz email me and let me know what days and how many are coming delaneycarlson@hotmail.com locals let me know as well and spread the word. motorolas will be used if you have them and the channel will be 7 07 unless otherwise posted. more to follow stay tuned as the date gets closer.
  11. Dr D

    WTB Madd BX

    paulk are you coming to big mtn this year?
  12. Dr D

    Winter driving

    its also against the law to put a wounded one out of its misery. I don't know anyone who obeys that one though.
  13. Dr D

    Winter driving

    its actually against the law in montana to pick up a road kill:freak3: :freak3: some genius actually thought that a large number of people were out purposely destroying their cars in order to fill the freezer. seems a waste. now they just lay there till they rot. they used to get picked up and used or donated to a food pantry at least. We the taxpayers now have to pay some poor bastard to go out once a month and pick up the rotting offal.
  14. <SMALL>Its still snowing:biggthump :biggthump </SMALL> <SMALL></SMALL> <SMALL></SMALL> <SMALL></SMALL> <SMALL>ITs gonna be a good year everyone! Come join the fun</SMALL>
  15. Dr D

    Winter driving

    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  16. Dr D

    Winter driving

    In montana we have just shortened it to S**T we don't have shoulders on the roads so we had to shorten it up to save time:lol: IT is also acceptable to throw your beer at the passenger:eplus2:
  17. I run vans Ntype switch boots and bindings. they are super stiff since the hiback is built into the boot. I ride forward angles (think heels and toes on the edge) the angles vary from board to board based on width. the angles are important since you don't have as much leverage. you need to be on the edges but not far enough to overhang. I have a friend who likes one of the flow binding models but I can never remember which model. at any rate they are stiffer than the others. Learn to drive with your knees particularly the front one. drive the knee into the mountain to maintain your edge contact. I would hit up Blueb for one of his dynastar 4807 or 3800 they are a great all mtn ride and carve well in softies.
  18. My worst wrecks in the last year have all involved rich old bastards on skiis with tunnel vision:angryfire I had a guy overtake me and another boarder on a cat trak. He passes my friend on the outside and immediately veers infront of him and tucks his poles under his arms ( nearly impaling me ) I go toeside to avoid being speared and the knothead proceeds to begin skating and drives his right ski under my board via the heelside. After hearing some of the vile sewage that spilled out of my mouth upon landing he stopped and looked absolutely amazed . He said , and I am not lying , where did you come from:smashfrea :smashfrea I wear armor now and I agresssively defend my space on the planet:eplus2:
  19. stretch the tendon good before and after riding. roll the ankle inward and put pressure down on it to stretch. do this throughout the year until you can stand on your lateral malleolus ( the ankle bump on the outside) you will not have any more problems and you won't ever turn an ankle again. It helps to not be fat and out of shape to but mostly you are just using your feet in a way they aren't accustomed to.
  20. nah the graphics are updated and pretty cool. all garage related themes for the most part. he has one with a big photo of big mtn and a few with custom graphics. mine was a huge screwdriver and a line of screws.
  21. the 178 garage is the same animal. cap twin tip construction with or without carbon stringers. with its stiff and mean. without its a little milder same geometry as identity and same construction hi points. there will be one you can probably demo for sure one of my buddies rides my old one and he will be there. jon will be around some of the time as well.
  22. thursday and saturdays for now. after the 14th I will be up tuesday mornings as well. for now the duck blind is open on tuesday mornings. when the season closes I will add a day on the mountain. I have to many hobbies.
  23. workin on making that a reality. He is planning on it although I am not sure which days yet. Blacktail is an option and wednesday would be powder day as they arent open mon and tues. later would be better groom days there.
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