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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. you will find very few if any studies on any subject not sponsored by interested parties. It may be funded by the government but it is anything but impartial. As I stated before I place more stock in what I can see and put my hands on than in studies. they are a good place to start though. IT pays to read the whole article with particular attention on how the study was constructed. you can usually tell if it was based on a preconcieved notion or on true scientific method. the study does have to fit the scenario as well. for instance in my field it is impossible to do a traditional double blind study. the patient may be blinded and not know whether they recieve a real or sham adjustment, but the Doctor cannot be since I would have to know whether to give a real or a sham adjustment. double blind isn't obviously a good or a fair standard in this case.please see the new thread on research in off topic
  2. I don't currently have one but there are lots of the shorter ones available on the closeout sites. around $200 Iwill try and find you a link. great board
  3. its already off my hands I got talked out of it at the beginning of the season. I was sure I would get John to turn out a few more and my buddy had his board stolen so I let it go. he was going to provide a test ride for you if you showed up though.
  4. sweet I was going to have to miss it. let me know when and I will try to attend.
  5. If this conversation is to continue I would suggest we start a new thread as this one is not the appropriate place.
  6. who is thinking you are coming off a little strong. Again! There is good double blind research on this product andI will be happy to take time out of my busy schedule to look it up for you. In the meantime here is the companies position regarding research as copied off their website. <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=610 border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD align=middle width=524 colSpan=16>Clinical Studies</TD><TD height=43></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD colSpan=18 height=19></TD></TR><TR vAlign=top><TD colSpan=4 height=8></TD><TD width=205 rowSpan=16>Wei Laboratories, Inc. is engaged in the understanding of herb-based healthcare products using rigorous clinical research approaches. The process of product development at Wei Laboratories, Inc. is: 1. Identify herbal recipes which provide major healthcare benefit to defined patient population through herbal medicine practice. 2. Document the healthcare benefit toward defined disease categories through clinical case studies supervised by medical doctors. 3. Use double-blind clinical studies to verify the efficacy of herb-based healthcare products on sound scientific grounds</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> I am a respected member of my profession and this community. If you read my posts you will see that I often direct people to research articles on a variety of topics. Unless you are a healthcare professional with a doctorate in something relevant I suggest you not muddy the waters on topics you are obviously not currently educated on. I will do the same on topics with wich you hold more expertise. coaching and technique for example. I appreciate your contribution in areas that I am not as well versed. please don't start a war this is a nice board.
  7. mine are mounted about 1cm forward of center seems to be the sweet spot.
  8. I have a sinle somewhere that's brand new I will look. It seems like it was small though.
  9. what dates were you guys riding at lookout?
  10. I was asked thursday when my friends where leaving because they are ruining the mtn:eplus2: We shall try to carry on in your absence! today was again an epic powder day. face shots all day long. IT actually stopped snowing for almost an hour:lol: 77 inches since sunday:D:D:D:D WOO HOOOO who needs corduroy?
  11. very nice:lol::lol::lol::lol: I had several people ask me on big mtn this week, when are your friends leaving they are ruining the mtn! Big mtn expression session:biggthump
  12. Did somebody piss in your cheerios again:confused: the time factors involved are in the range of half the normal (read average) healing time. Bursitis is sometimes impossible to aleviate. I have seen multiple cases resolve after one or two applications. This is the kind of thing I am skeptical of so I appreciate your reaction. the company sent me freebies for over a year before I decided to test their claims. I have been nothing but impressed. Chinese formula = several thousand years of anecdotal evidence. As far as anecdotal evidence goes, don't knock it. the quality of medical research in the last decade is abyssmal. ITs all bought and paid for before the results are in. Most studies are so skewed toward a presupposed outcome that it begs the question why bother in the first place. I will consider a large volume of anecdotal evidence over a few "scientific" studies any day. Here's a question for you. if a drug trial shows it to be 68% effective and the placebo effect is 58% (not an uncommon split) and the drug has some questionable side effects, what makes more sense. Do we sell a potentially dangerous drug or the placebo? food for thought.
  13. I need a back up for when I eventually trash my current one. If it isn't getting used let me know I will take it off your hands.:D
  14. I am looking to replace a speedcross preferably a longer one 160 + the wood grain with the blue x if anyone has one they would part with.
  15. I have one side if you only need one.
  16. Dr D

    4807 178

    blueb email me if you have any 4807's left. I have a buddy that wants one and I am thinking about picking up a back up.
  17. if you still have access to your leg, there is one other thing you can look into. They are basically the modern version of an herbal poultice. basically ground herb in a paste form on medical grade waterproof tape. They are specifically for fractures and joint injuries. they speed up the healing time. I have used them with great success on bursitis, ligament and tendon tears, disc issues, and fractures. check them out. weilabs.com fasst patches they come in three sizes based on the area to be treated. they are a little pricey but worth it if time is of the essence. maybe not ses but at least get you on the snow quicker. email me an address and I will send you some sombra.
  18. that sucks :( drinking it is:eplus2:
  19. Ditto that. I would also ask about kinesiotape. It is used to support an injury so that activity can continue without the risk of reinjury. Lots of sports medicine types using it as well as Pt's and Chiropractors. It has kept me in the game on more than one occasion.
  20. I would also recomend the peaceful mountain products great stuff. I can also send you some sombra if you have trouble finding it. Its impossible to get online.
  21. OH MY GOD:smashfrea (the sound of me biting my tongue) whatever the source fascism and government excess are alive and well in the world today. "The best slave is the one who thinks he's free" PS definitely don't watch shootem up its entire premise is kill everyone thousands of rounds are expended for no apparrent reason.
  22. I rented fargo based on the awards etc. I was this close to demanding my rental fee back.
  23. I agree in principal with the same board same stance idea however if its not a powder board you wil probably have to move the bindings back as far as they will go. yeah you can ride it normal but you will have a dead back leg by noon. if you are going to spend all day in the woods its worth the stance change or better yet a board change. quiver or no quiver everyone should have a powder board its just so much less work and so much more fun. number one rule: when you start looking at the trees instead of the spaces you are to tired and you need to get out of the woods NOW! I prefer a surfier stance and a surfier board. I ride a 4807 on powder days in the trees. the short tail lends itself to the tail press emergency brake technique and you can force the tail around with the back foot for a faster turn if you find yourself in trouble in a tight spot. like turning off the lip of a wave:eplus2:
  24. Holy crap did you guys bring some big JU JU with you ar what:eek: It quite literally has not stopped snowing since sunday morning. approaching 70 inches for the week. 59 inches in the last five days. I am working today which is probably good since my legs have been bloody stumps since wednesday. Its hard to quit on an epic powder day. The last run of the day has been better than the first three days running. Its probably a sign that you guys with no powder gear should put it on your list. powder is more fun with the right equipment. Dave's new prior powstick seems to be an obvious choice for the well heeled. but there are lots of cheaper alternatives out there. see if Blueb has any 4807's left. I will be up again tomorrow but it sounds like I will miss a lot of you. I had a great timeand I hope the rest of you did as well:biggthump come again anytime PS when you get home post the rest of your pictures tinypic.com will size them for you for free.
  25. holy crap paulk you missed an epic week :( day 3 of the dump and its deeper than last year. It puked all day so hard that it might as well have been foggy. the 2 inches reported was a good 6 by the time the chair opened and it never stopped all day. I have lost communication with my feet and not in a good way. thank god we get to do it again tomorrow:eplus2: for those of you missing the big mtn pictures just move over real close to the wall and close your eyes now move closer ( you're gonna love this) now open them :D if all you see is white and three inches in front of your face your'e there baby:lol:
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