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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. Dr D

    oink oink

    the point is power corrupts! Cops are more prone to it because your average cubicle dweller doesn't have much:freak3: I didn't see a whole lot of innocent until proven guilty in this case. I am a 35 yr old doctor and yet somehow picking up a board with wheels on it makes me suspicious?!? come on , You gotta know the job is better served without stereotypes. I understand you gotta watch your back but a 14 yr old kid in broad daylight? call a swat team
  2. I have never seen an ankle sprain that didn't involve calcaneus or talas missalignment. that said get it checked and adjusted and often they won't swell to start with. This far into it with the swelling present it will still heal much quicker if the bones are in the right position. See a chiropractor that works on extremities.
  3. he's one of us:biggthump the noboard guy I mean.
  4. dude use the other line of code and the pictures will embed. I forget which but there are three to choose from beside your uploaded pic on tiny pic. If you copy the right one to the board the picture will appear instead of the link:biggthump
  5. You are trying to hold a wider board up on edge without fully committing to the carve. IF its fighting you it isn't up on edge far enough. lay it over. With hard boots its much easier to manage the transition because you can lean on the cuff to some extent. If you lean on softie cuffs they fold so work on ankle strength and tip the board further up on edge. if the board doesn't like that you need a better board for softie carving. oh yeah and I ride 45 / 45 plus or minus with mine. there is actually an area in the middle thats harder but once you get to 55+ it gets easier again. different but easier more like a skwal. I ride with my toes and heels on the edges whatever angle a given board requires. You generate the most power to the edge that way without bootout.
  6. whoever was looking for a speed cross besides me there is a 157 on the bay. shorter than what I want.
  7. <TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="100%" bgColor=#ffffff border=0><TBODY><TR height=30><TD class=ListitemAlternativeRow colSpan=3>Seattle, WA - Dr. Perry Chinn </TD></TR><TR height=25><TD class=ListitemAlternativeRow width="20%">Address:</TD><TD class=ListitemAlternativeRow width="40%">13028 Interurban Ave. S, Ste 106 </TD><TD class=ListitemAlternativeRow width="24%">City:</TD><TD class=ListitemAlternativeRow width="16%">Seattle </TD></TR><TR height=25><TD class=ListitemAlternativeRow>State:</TD><TD class=ListitemAlternativeRow>WA </TD><TD class=ListitemAlternativeRow>Postal Code:</TD><TD class=ListitemAlternativeRow>98168 </TD></TR><TR height=25><TD class=ListitemAlternativeRow>Phone No:</TD><TD class=ListitemAlternativeRow>206-957-7950 </TD><TD class=ListitemAlternativeRow>Email:</TD><TD class=ListitemAlternativeRow>drchinn@interurbanchiropractic.com </TD></TR><TR height=25><TD class=ListitemAlternativeRow>Website:</TD><TD class=ListitemAlternativeRow>http://www.interurbanchiropractic.com </TD><TD class=ListitemAlternativeRow>View </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> I know it sounds crazy but lots of you pain can actually come from the T8 vertabra being misaligned. a gentle specific Chiropractor can do you a world of good. take your films if you have them and tell him Dr D from Bigfork says hi. He's an exceptional Chiropractor if he can't help he will tell you. also look up kinesiotape online and find someone close to you to tape it up. BIG difference in your comfort.
  8. what happened to the pics from saturday on big?? was hoping to see what that little madd boarder X looked like laid over! or bent over:eplus2:
  9. the 20mm kills the steepness and makes the trees look further apart. watch it again and notice the gaps compared to the nose of the board, many are barely wide enough to accomadate the rider. the film does show the flow nicely though. you can watch his head turn to the gaps ahead of time:biggthump The last part is an avalanche chute and is quite open but very steep.
  10. good fun:ices_ange watch out for avalanches in the canyon:eek:
  11. find some ntypes with the top strap. the x's are all soft and the x highbacks are unweildy at best. my .02
  12. take them out of the boot and mold them as you normaly would ( be careful they shrink drastically if they get to hot ) then put them in a walmart sack or other plastic grocery bag and slide them right in to the boot. I have the best luck by putting them on my foot first and then inserting them into the boot. obvious stuff includes loosening the laces inside first etc. Its a great set up which boots do you have?
  13. Check out his book. Great set of back pain exercises, very specialized.
  14. I assume by spinal roller that you are talking about an insight millenium or similar scan. this would consist of an infrared thermal scan, a surface EMG, and a heart rate variability at a minimum. An algometer (pain test) and ROM could also be done on the same machine. since only ten percent of the nerve fibers leaving the spine are pain and sensory in nature the remaining ninety percent would largely be a mystery without some form of testing. 45 percent are motor nerves (muscle strength and coordination)(Semg) the remaining 45 percent are Autonomic ( organ and gland control ) (thermal scan, skin temp control is autonomic) think heart rate breathing digestion immune system etc. The pain is really a very poor indicator of the actual problem. If your Chiro doesn't xray and test this stuff he's not prepared to handle an active athlete or a serious injury. probably the most ignored stretch for low back pain is the hamstring. As the hamstring tightens the muscles of the lower back have to compensate by loosening in order to allow you the same range of motion. This translates to easily injured low back. stretch your hamstrings all of you.
  15. since this thread is totally and completely jacked already. Bola whats the going rate on the dupraz? I have it on my wish list although I am totally confused now that there are 12 different ones to choose from.
  16. no riding period:( the land of neverending heat. I was out of the game for almost ten yrs. Its good to be back.
  17. LOL whats thaaat supposed to mean LOL I attended some classes at life myself. I spent most of my time in SC at Sherman though.
  18. you will notice that I suggest that she research these products for herself and make up her own mind. I suggested she ask her doctor about the kinesiotape for instance. I do not diagnose or recomend treatment online that would be insane, I will however give advice and offer a referral if it is applicable. Anyone who questions advice recomending someone read and research on their own comes off as just inflammatory. If that was not your intent I accept your apology and tender my own. please read and decide for yourself on anything that I suggest.
  19. I hold a bachelors in science (premed) and a doctorate in Chiropractic medicine. ten plus years of study. my graduate work included all my clinical internships. I have a few more hours than a GP MD but significantly less than some of the hardcore specialties (heart specialist, neurosurgeon etc) I have very little pharmacology compared to an MD and lots more physiology just for example. The overall curriculum is quite similiar though. My licensure is achieved through a set of five national board tests and a state jurisprudence test. The schools involved are nationally and regionally acredited. SACS etc.
  20. I am sure there are ten or more of us who would take the board for that price. half my boards are cosmetic blems. theys cheap and they rides much good. Go ride it.
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