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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. yeah I was hoping to get Bryan's attention. I will email him direct if he doesn't notice soon.
  2. I got my hands on a reasonably cherry NITRO 196 swallowtail the Drew Hicken custom model. any ideas on the value?
  3. +1 Congress sucks Bush Sucks we'll soon find out if the supreme court sucks or not when they rule on the Heller case. Howz about constitutional anarchy?
  4. The Green Zone is the "safe area" high security US and coalition area. As opposed to manning a check point in Fallujah or Ramadi. The Green Zone is the REAR in a war that has no Rear.
  5. so we would be paying regular lift ticket prices? how much is that? I think I can get a carload from the big coming down but we would probably drive down early AM and back after its only a little over two hours.this would be for saturday
  6. well the last 200+ yrs have been short. so far there aren't a lot of republic style democracies to look at as far as judging that statement. As for totalitarian regimes, you'd wave a flag to if you had a gun up you wazzoo.
  7. hey boardski fill me in on the cryptic news for saturday on the other thread I am confused cost factor etc. I can probably drive down in the AM and return in the PM and maybe round up a couple from here to go along car pool style.
  8. active duty personel in uniform should salute, out of uniform they should stand in the position of attention no hand on heart and no salute
  9. oh yeah its wide spread for sure. I just thought it was funny to see him get caught since most politicians are putting on a big show of patriotism whether they give two ****s or not. Its almost refreshing to see Obama hanging it out there not even realizing the Gaff.:lol:
  10. I was hoping to but I just can't justify missing a friday from work. the weekend would have been doable.
  11. I will wax this one up and take it for a spin to see if I like it. if it doesn't do anything different than what I am already riding I would be willing to let it go. I am trying to thin the quiver to reasonable proportions.:D whatever that means:lol:
  12. Its got the black stripes in the glass doesn't it? thats the carbon. It isn't a complete sheet of carbon like some. mine had an extra layer of the carbon striped glass in it so it was stiffer. I picked up an ID at the pawnshop justlike the new one he sent you. I should take it out and try it.
  13. Its really intriguing how much the two sides are sounding alike lately. I think if the rhetoric is ignored we would have a lot more in common than we think. I like his idea, imperialism isn't always bad. but its not a common idea coming from the left.
  14. sshhhhhh I 'll tell you a secret:cool: I have had so much trouble getting hard boots to fit without killing my feet that I don't think I could ride it with hard boots as well as I do with the softies. In all fairness though Its not really a standard softie set up either. And I have a 162 slalom and a 168 freecarve as well so what I did was start with the turny slalom and when I felt strong on it I moved up to the 168 and when that started feeling good I moved to the 185. I also have the Garage prototype in 195 which I am hugely tempted to try with this setup just for the sake of the experiment. they all have similar feel as far as the sidecut goes. reverse caternary whatever the hell it is starting at 7-9.5ish on the slalom and ending at 9-14ish on the 185. john's boards all have that autopilot feel when you tip em up on edge they hook up without a lot of other input so maybe that helps?
  15. you're not making government approved Baaaaah baaaaah noises Bob. Lots of the middle isn't really middle its just sheep:nono: the right is fighting this on constitutional grounds and in support of sovereignty whats your angle?
  16. well damnit I searched valiantly and couldn't find it. Anyone got the lyrics to "I think she only loves me for my Willy" ? Or better yet a clip?:lol::lol:
  17. gotta love willy for his pointless crazy posts outa left field:lol::lol::lol:
  18. </P> DAAAAAAAAAMN I especially enjoyed how he was still trying to steer after the fifth rollover:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
  19. bob's right you sound like hilary:lol: profits aren't a bad thing you know. they pay for everything else. the large numbers of people going to the games will be paying the toll by choice. If the company paid they would just pass it on to the consumer anyway. in a way the college and big companies will pay a big share since they draw a lot of people across the bridge and presumably some will choose not to come lowering their profits accordingly. either way its still a fair indirect tax because you have a choice whether or not to cross. wages will increase when people choose to get a job on this side of the bridge to avoid crossing and the labor market gets tight. wages will increase to offset the bridge expense in order to draw workers across the bridge again. zero sum game
  20. just increase the angle until your toes and heels are on the board with no overhang or boot out but no further. then apply the higher angle techniques discussed previously. even at low angle drive the knees toward the nose during the heelside carve. your body has to drive the same way the board is traveling. If you drive down into the board at low angles you are driving across the edge and you will skid. I had a fantastic day today riding the 185 race carbon identity (19cm waist) with catek Freerides at 63/60. It worked great I used a booster strap on the front foot. I also have my cateks modified with drake carbon 14 highbacks and straps. they are a very wide tall strap that really helps.
  21. You see there Bob thats a convincing argument. I am officially back on C5's side of the fence:D It certainly seems that it would unfairly burden lower income working stiffs. Seems like that'd be your argument Bob. for the record its still an indirect tax and much more constitutional than the current application of our federal income tax is.
  22. I could say the same thing about Bush. I understand why you don' t like him but I don't see how he can be equated with Hitler etc. The Rhetoric is a little overboard. billary has just been in the spotlight long enough to have made herself a target. I suspect the same would hold true if Bush ran for the senate next time around etc. Saying that someone is satan is a strong statement coming from someone who comes of as atheist?!!? inflammatory
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