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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. I would tend to lean toward Iliotibial band syndrome with hardbooting. the IT band runs from your hip joint to the outside of your knee. Give it a good dig top to bottom and tell us what that feels like. if it hurts or is over sore when you dig into it you have a tight Iliotibial band. Deep tissue massage of the area and stretches would fix you up in no time. This late in the season we tend to be getting over muscled in the quads and its a good idea to really stretch those as well. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iliotibial_Band_Syndrome Common in weight lifting particularly squats (sounds like the bottom of a carve!) This is also caused by exercise on uneven surfaces and with under or oversupported arches. A good reason to have good insoles and proper canting in your setup.
  2. I have a pair of AF 700's in a 29.5 extremely good shape. I'd have to think about the price. could sell the extras seperate I suppose. extra tongues race stiff, spoilers, etc.
  3. I have a set of these as well email me if you missed this deal
  4. If you run out of the bindings before you run out of buyers I have a set of these as well that I would be willing to sell same deal with the heels and hardware. I also have 2 sets of the race pro regulars.
  5. 4807 168 osin a little wide but just what you are looking for! very carvy on the groom if you are set up on the sweet spot.
  6. The case you reference Bob was Investigated and Tried and they were all found innocent. The most compelling evidence against them was El Jazeera TV reports and these were later found to be unfounded propaganda. There wasn't any real evidence to support that it happened let alone that the men on trial were involved. there was lots of evidence pointing toward a determined propaganda effort on the part of the muslim television network el jazeera. that said war changes people and many are forever changed. This clip is horrific and they should be punished if its found to be real and they can be identified. lets not forget the whole innocent until proven guilty thing though! interesting that we are more outraged over a puppy than a marine being beheaded on television?
  7. I had a lot of Indian food in malaysia that was spectacular. Singapore has better indian food than chinese food in my opinion. The best from that part of the world though was the Thai food. I have found nothing like it even in Thai restaurants here. Beautiful food to. I think they are the kings of Garnish. I would love to find some of those recipes but i don't even know what most of it was called.
  8. I would say you need to explore the canting thing first as well. Borrow a set of cateks so that you can make on the fly adjustments and get dialed in and then transfer that to your TD's. I know personally that a half a turn on the cateks set screws makes a world of difference in how your foot feels. basically you are pressuring the boot with the edge of your foot instead of the whole ball. I like Td's better myself but the cateks were what opened my eyes to the whole canting question. I have a set of catek freerides that changed my whole hard set up. I have gone to a much flatter setup with less heel lift as well on my TD2's.
  9. thats what we covered earlier in the thread. A higher arch will create a shorter foot. There really is a lot more to it than we are discussing here. how hard or soft an orthotic is makes a difference to. I lean more toward harder materials for skiing and boarding because of the support necessary and the G's experienced. a hard orthotic is not great in a normal shoe. so it depends on what you are using them for and what your goals are.
  10. simple answer rivet a set of booster straps to your fave highbacks and carve. Ntypes switch are great as long as they have the booster strap built in. I like the overall motion better than the xtypes which feel to stiff fore and aft and sloppy side to side. I also wear my ntypes with deeluxe hardboot liners which are thicker and taller. more comfort and stiffness. I have a booster strap on my catek free rides that I think firms them up nicely. drake carbon highbacks and straps on the cateks as well
  11. why ? :lol: do you have other deficiencies that need addressed?:lol:
  12. the finished shape yes. an unweighted foot can appear normal when in fact the arches collapse upon standing. so ideally you would get molded while standing so that the full extent of your deficiencies can be addressed. an unweighted mold could make the arches larger/higher than comfort would allow.
  13. NAh kids get it to:biggthump my right ankle has popped and clicked since I can remember. besides you are only as old as you feel:eplus2:
  14. my raichles had the same T-nuts already imbedded in the plastic. I pulled one completely out before I realized I didn't need to replace them. I suppose it depends on whats already in the boot?
  15. Its called Crepitus ($10 word for cracks and pops when I move it). It is generally Benign ($10 word for harmless) Like Skatha pointed out though it should be checked out if its accompanied by symptoms. Most people have it in at least one joint. It is also common in weight lifters and probably more so on machines like you describe since they don't often fit you specifically. If I had to guess I would say that your knees weren't lined up exactly with the center of the machines ROM. This would be more noticeable with heavier weights. try adjusting yourself and or the machine so that your knees are hinging on the same line or plane that the machine is.
  16. <OBJECT height=355 width=425> <embed src="<a href=" " target="_blank"> [/url]" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></OBJECT></P> http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=QKCVS57j284
  17. non weightbearing orthotics will make your foot shorter since the arch is higher but they aren't the best choice. we often hit over 2 G's in this sport this significantly works the three arches. a weightbearing or semi orthotic is going to be more representative of the arch height under this kind of load. A high arch orthotic is uncomfortable skating and boarding because of the extra gforce. On another front we don't like to see nonweightbearing orthotics especially ridged ones because they don't let the arches flex properly. I would recomend a semi ridgid weightbearing orthotic. for your spine health as well as for comfort.
  18. The 4807 168 is my light powder and chunky slushy dream board. The 178 is heavier and harder to throw around in the trees it is however great in deeper powder. the short stiff tail on these boards is the key to their carvability. they still sink in the pow but will hold up on the groom. when carving the nose is forgotten they become a much shorter board. If you are having trouble carving them you likely have the bindings to far forward. mine are all the way back and I am 6'4" 275 lbs. it holds and rails quite well for me. I actually prefer the 168 version on soft groomer days where it gets pushed up into piles. extremely versatile board. That said, you asked for a powder board that would only be on the groom briefly . I would have to point you toward the nitro swallowtails or to the winterstick. the difference between the two is nitro's long straight sidecuts vs the winterstick's taper. wintersticks are miserable to ride on the groom and nitro's are doable. the nitro is very flexy and soft and wouldn't work well with hardboots longevitywise but you can flex the big 196 into a very tight corner just by squeezing the knees. they ride as small as you squeeze them. on a wide open untouched powder field from a helicopter I would take a winterstick.
  19. beats the hell out of me? do I? I was just gonna mount it up with my usual ntype softie setup. got any video of someone riding this pad? I have noticed your stuff in passing but never really paid much attention. fill us in ! thread jack authorized:D
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