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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. ITs generally considered a good idea to get remolded after 2 years since your feet change with time. the actual product may vary with design and amount of use.
  2. POND SKIMMING:biggthump:eplus2::eplus2:
  3. come on up! ITs been like early february late january here. I was on flawless groomers in the early AM saturday and then switched boards and rode 18 inch powder stashes all afternoon. the crowds were a little busier due to spring break but not bad. It looks like a full season of winter snow. we haven't had a half day of spring conditions slush yet.
  4. Got one just like yours:lurk: whatcha thinkin email me
  5. I was on the back all morning in 4inches of january style powder. Several of the "good" spots had over 18 inches blown in. snowed like crazy all day and the last run down hogan's east was 4 inches of fresh on top of stellar groom. What a day what a day and in late march no less. as of the morning report the total on the BIG this year is 380 inches+
  6. I'll be up. Its spring break so the hill will be a little busier than usual. We've been getting a couple inches a day so plan on spreading the cream cheese.:D Turner should be a good option for you on Friday.
  7. Our esteemed neighbors to the north just haven't met all seven of the Dwarves yet. Bob's the Grumpy one:lol: I am sure that since this last exchange happened over the weekend that Michelle was just out riding and hasn't been on the computer. She's a classy gal and will no doubt get it all cleared up shortly. The rest of us should just back off until the dust settles:biggthump
  8. well lets see POWDER sticks Nitro 196 powder gun Dynastar 4807 178 2 OSin 4807 168's Dynastar 3800 169 Osin 3800 162 Twintips Identity 172 carbon IDentity 168 Identity Secret Alpine Identity slalom 162 Identity freecarve 168 IDentity Race carbon 185 Garage Woody 195 Surfrodz flattail surfrodz kicker tail Sims 148 Burton asym M6 circa 1990 MAdd boardercross
  9. tele syndrome:biggthump happens on my high angle boards to when I get tired and start standing on the ball of the back foot. I fixed it by narrowing up the stance and a slight move forward.
  10. +1 any angle changes would be specific to you and not the same for anyone else. I'd start by taking sean's advice. other options include gettting molded or remolded for a good orthotic, getting evaluated for iliotibial band syndrome and starting a stretching program, etc etc. ] for what its worth I had to negative cant my skwals to accomadate for the angle of my hips coming into the board.
  11. LOL:lol: And the truth shall set them free
  12. I am looking at about 325K feet doing 3 short days a week. most of my crew is approaching 1million. Johnasmo has over 2.5 million.
  13. sweet! what bindings did you use? Pics would be great as well.
  14. http://www.break.com/index/puppies-get-revenge-on-marine.html
  15. interesting view of the declaration of independance. http://www.mygodgivenrights.com/PDF/The_Cause.pdf
  16. Its also of interest to note that the Black's Law in force at the time the law was written would be the one to check. the last two maybe three editions have left out many of the words and pharses in question. You can get a good searchable copy of the complete code from the guy who wrote "cracking the code"
  17. Dr D


    This 195 garage was made with thin veneer in the press with some kind of golf ball coating as a clear coat. the wood came out great the golf ball coating was a bust. I have sanded and polished out the blems and clear coated the board with flexible poly spray. rides great!
  18. every war has been horrible. The last two have been much worse mentally because of the lack of support from home. These men have agreed to kill for all of us they have agreed to do things against nature because they believe that there is a higher purpose. Liberty for all men. When they see the crap that we are fighting about at home suddenly the things they are asked to do seem more vile and more dehumanizing. When you see a PTSD vet remember that in part you made him what he has become.
  19. Its a realist sentiment. Life isn't a fairy tale. I have euthenized at least three deer this year on the side of the road. there is no Vet care for roadkill. they get hit and are laying there with all four legs broke and internal injuries and you have two choices drive by or stop and cut there throat. what do you do? this is an example of a hard truth. I stop and cut their throat so they don't have to suffer. In a perfect world there would be an army of philanthropist vets to treat and care for the hundreds of deer injured and killed on 10 miles of road between my house and work. kind souls that will do it for free and provide the equipment and supplies from their own pocket. get real man fairy tales are for kids. we do the best we can with what we have.
  20. There are many useful threads on this subject I post on the topic of orthotics and insoles quite regularly. Bordy was just hammering the point home. Ignorance is Bliss. cough up for some decent insoles and you will understand the depth of his post.
  21. this is exactly what we are doing when we wade into debate on the war in IRAQ. We should be demanding the information and venting our frustration at the government and the media for leaving us blind and dumb not at the Troops who are left to deal with the Hell of war. we are responsible because we no longer know how to hold our government accountable to the people.
  22. That I am in favor of withdrawing our troops from germany and other places. I think they are better used elsewhere for national security reasons. That said , you are right bob perception is every thing. yours and perhaps much of the world's is hugely skewed in this situation. My unit has been deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan and in the Iraq deployment much of the time was spent on humanitarian missions. Providing clean water to villages that hadn't had any in 25 years. building medical clinics and schools, installing sewer systems in towns that had never had them previously. we are loved and thanked daily by a majority of the country. i also have several civilian patients that have been over there for three plus years on 6 and 2 schedules training policemen. They continue to return because they see the good that is happening there. We see the worst ten percent on the evening news here. If it bleeds it leads as they say. I would love to see us finish and get out but the crrent situation is not stable and chaos would be the result and we sould certainly bear culpubility in that chaos as we do in the current situation. There are a lot of hard truths to WAR and as a person who has served 13 years I can say I am thankful that there are people capable of dealing with those hard truths. (not all are obviously) Some great man said this " it is good that war is so terrible or we would come to love it too much" General Robert E Lee maybe? anyway, there is so much more to the situation than we see on CNN and FOX that we really have no business passing judgement on many of the people involved. disclaimer: I in no way endorse the abuse of animals in any situation. Euthinasia should not be practiced by throwing a puppy off a cliff. A quick painless death is acceptable if necessary and the most humane choice but not throwing the poor thing off of a cliff.
  23. WE should definitely stop occupying Germany, Japan, and Korea then! **** Bob we have been in Germany and Japan since the 1940's They won't let us leave it'd tank the local economies. Try a different argument on that one. Like everything else in life there is two (or more) sides:D
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