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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. WE know so little about this disease that we are calling the victims delusional. I see no scientifically valid argument that could conclusively link it to one report from the 16th century.
  2. GM Files: Horrifying New Disease Contains Identical Material to GM “Food” NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET’S DINNER TABLE. THANK YOU, MONSANTO! The Natural Solutions Foundation, the leading Global Health Freedom organization, is proud to present this information to you. We protect your right to know about - and to use - natural ways to maintain and regain your health, no matter where in the world you live. Among your freedoms is the right to clean, unadulterated food free of genetic manipulation, pesticides, heavy metals or other contaminants and access to herbs, supplements, frequency devices and other means as therapies that may benefit or to protect your well-being without drugs and other dangerous interventions, if you choose. For more information on our global programs, including the International Decade of Nutrition, and our US based ones, please visit us at www.HealthFreedomUSA.org and www.[url="http://www.globalhealthfreedom.org/"]GlobalHealthFreedom.org[/url] and join the free email list for the Health Freedom eAlerts to keep you in the loop, informed and active defending your right to make your own decisions about your health and wellbeing! Our activities are supported 100% by your tax deductible donations. Please give generously (https://salsa.democracyinaction.org/o/568/t/1128/shop/custom.jsp?donate_page_KEY=297) to the Natural Solutions Foundation. Thank you for your support. Feel free to disseminate this information as widely as possible with full attribution. Yours in health and freedom, Dr. Rima Rima E. Laibow, MD Medical Director Natural Solutions Foundation www.HealthFreedomUSA.org www.GlobalHealthFreedom.org Nightmare on Elm Street’s Dinner Table. Thank you, Monsanto! Just in case you thought it was fine to eat Genetically Modified foods (better identified as “FrankenFoods”), along comes a study which makes it clear that you are eating this make believe non-food at your own peril and, worse yet, you are feeding it to your kids at their peril as well. It is important to note that Codex Alimentarius, which sets standards for the international trade of food, permits genetically modified foods and makes no effort to limit, control or eliminate them. In fact, the US has been trying for years to prevent the labeling of GM foods and seed in international trade to emulate its domestic policy which prohibits any label indication that foods contain GM ingredients, as 75-80% of all foods sold in the US do. Now it appears that the increasingly prevalent nightmare of a disease called “Morgellon’s Disease” may be a result of GM crops and food. Morgellon’s Disease was first described when a woman’s 3 year old son developed rashes and intensely itchy sores which produced weird multicolor fibers emerging from his skin. She put up a website about the condition in 2001 and named it “Morgellons Disease” after a 17th century report of a similar affliction. As it always does, the allopathic community of Western, drug-oriented physicians labeled sufferers as delusional. As a physician, I have a great deal of difficulty explaining how a delusion can produce colored fibers which protrude from the skin and continue to grow in a petri dish. Be that as it may, the multicolored fibers produced by the “delusion” have been analyzed and we now know that Morgellon’s Disease is no longer rare, nor is it mysterious any longer. A study of the fibers shows that they contain DNA from both a fungus and a bacterium which are used in the commercial preparation of genetically modified foods and non-food crops (such as cotton). The fibers themselves are primarily cellulose, which the human body cannot breakdown or manufacture. So GM technology apparently has, like Professor Frankenstein, found a way to animate the non living. These fibers twist and twine, grow and divide. In short, living beneath the skin of people, they form parasitic lesions out of what should be non-living material but which, through the horror of genetic modification, has taken on the characteristics of a living thing. The symptoms are so unbearable that a number of people suffering from the disorder have committed suicide rather than deal with the unbearable pain, constant feeling of something very much like an insect crawling without stop beneath the skin and unbearable itching any longer. Of course, it is possible to speculate that the attitude of most physicians that the condition is a mental aberration rather than a physical one may not have helped these poor souls to cope with their affliction. How wide spread is Morgellon’s Disease? Some registries have 1200 or more people but these registrants only represent those who have access to the internet and have stumbled across the registry sites. The disease produces material unlike anything most people have ever seen. (http://www.morgellons.org/) and These pictures show fibers removed from lesions on the skin of Morgellon’s Disease sufferers. No picture, however, can show you the insects crawling under my skin day and night torment of the victims. Frighteningly, some researchers say that every person they have tested has some level of Morgellon’s type pathology in their skin. If the hypothesis is accurate and the disease is caused by sowing, growing and eating FrankenFood, that would, however, make sense. 75-80 % of all US food contains unlabeled GM ingredients. We have no enzymes or other mechanisms to digest these unnatural components of the materials which the FDA says are the same as food and prohibits labeling of. We have no way of getting rid of the indigestible, toxic or even lethal materials injected into the nucleus of our food by high energy guns and biochemical tricks that nature never thought of. Given that the US is allowing the greatest biological experiment in the history of human kind, we should not be skeptical about the possibility that this tragic and terrifying disease may be caused by terrifying make-believe food with all-too-real dangers inserted inside them where they cannot be seen, tasted, or otherwise detected by normal means, only by specialized laboratories. Part of the objective of the Natural Solutions Foundation is to make sure that 3rd world countries have the labs, and the training necessary to determine what food is clean and safe, and what food is damaged by techniques by Genetic Manipulation. In the meantime, we will be attending a very important Codex meeting in Ottawa. Either the African Pro-health Coalition will hold its ground in the meeting and continue to defy the US and hold fast to their fervent determination to not allow GM seeds into their coutnries and to require substantial labeling on all foods which contain GM components. Link Between Morgellon’s Disease and GMOs by Barbara H. Peterson Global Research, March 27, 2008 Since the Clinton administration made biotechnology “a strategic priority for U.S. government backing” (1), giant transnational agri-business concerns have aggressively taken over the global food chain by flooding it with Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) without regard for the consequences to the earth or its inhabitants. This takeover not only has the potential for global economic devastation, but threatens the earth’s population with far-reaching health concerns as well. One health concern that seems to coincide with the GMO revolution is Morgellons disease. What if the advent of Morgellons disease has something to do with the ingestion of GMO foods? Morgellons Disease – What is it? Very little can be found regarding this disease. Originally, sufferers were told that their problem was imaginary. This was of little comfort to the people who were suffering. Morgellons Disease sufferers report strange, fiber-like material sticking out of sores or wounds that erupt on the skin. This is accompanied by painful, intense itching, that has been described as “an ever present sensation as if something is crawling under the skin.” (2) On May 18, 2006, KGW, a local news channel reporting out of the Oregon area published this story: Strange sickness: Mystery disease horror story (excerpt) [Dr. Drottar] The disabled family practice doctor felt like bugs were crawling under her skin. “If I fully tell people what has gone on with me medically, they think they’re in the twilight zone,” said Drottar. She woke up with the feeling that fluid was flowing just below her skin. Often black or blue hair like fibers protruded from her skin, she said. “I thought I had been exposed to asbestos. I thought I was having asbestos fibers come out of my skin. I was pulling long, thin, small hair-like fibers that were extremely sharp that could literally pierce through my finger nails,” Drottar said. In addition to the feeling of bugs and the fibers, Drottar also suffered from severe depression, chronic fatigue and a weakened immune system. As a result, she had to give up her family practice, Drottar said. (3) Morgellons and GMO – the Link Little information has been revealed concerning the long-term health effects of GMO crops on humans or animals, and even less information can be had regarding research correlating Morgellons with GMO foods. This is suspicious right off the bat, because it would seem that there would be a natural curiosity regarding a link between Genetically Modified Organisms that people ingest regularly and inorganic fibers that protrude from a person’s skin. This would be right up a geneticist’s alley, and quite worthy of intensive research. So, why aren’t there a ton of published studies? Why is it so difficult finding anything related to this? Could it be that companies such as Monsanto have enough clout to effectively squash these stories? If they have enough clout to ruin countries by deceiving impoverished farmers into purchasing patented GMO seeds, and then take it a step further and force these poor people to purchase seeds year after year instead of harvesting their own, then they have enough clout to ask our more than willing corporate government to manipulate the press…again. According to Mike Stagman, PhD, “Genetic Engineering is a nightmare technology that has already caused MANY disease epidemics — documented but unpublicized.” (4) Well Monsanto, you let at least one study slip through. With the help of a couple of search engines, the following article by Whitley Strieber published on October 12, 2007, titled “Skin Disease May Be Linked to GM Food” was found, which concludes that the fibers taken from a Morgellons sufferer contain the same substance that is “used commercially to produce genetically-modified plants.” Here is the article: Skin Disease May Be Linked to GM Food 12-Oct-2007 Many people—and most physicians—have written off Morgellons disease as either a hoax or hypochondria. But now there is evidence that this mysterious disease may be REAL and related to GENETICALLY MODIFIED food! The skin of Morgellons victims oozes mysterious strands that have been identified as cellulose (which cannot be manufactured by the human body), and people have the sensation of things crawling beneath their skin. The first known case of Morgellons occurred in 2001, when Mary Leitao created a web site describing the disease, which had infected her young son. She named it Morgellons after a 17th century medical study in France that described the same symptoms. In the Sept. 15-21 issue of New Scientist magazine, Daniel Elkan describes a patient he calls “Steve Jackson,” who “for years” has “been finding tiny blue, red and black fibers growing in intensely itchy lesions on his skin.” He quotes Jackson as saying, “The fibers are like pliable plastic and can be several millimeters long. Under the skin, some are folded in a zigzag pattern. These can be as fine as spider silk, yet strong enough to distend the skin when you pull them, as if you were pulling on a hair.” Doctors say that this type of disease could only be caused by a parasite, but anti-parasitic medications do not help. Psychologists insist that this is a new version of the well-known syndrome known as “delusional parasitosis.” While this is a “real” disease, it is not a physically-caused one. But now there is physical evidence that Morgellons is NOT just psychological. When pharmacologist Randy Wymore offered to study some of these fibers if people sent them to him, he discovered that “fibers from different people looked remarkably similar to each other and yet seem to match no common environmental fibers.” When they took them to a police forensic team, they said they were not from clothing, carpets or bedding. They have no idea what they are. Researcher Ahmed Kilani says he was able to break down two fiber samples and extract their DNA. He found that they belonged to a fungus. An even more provocative finding is that biochemist Vitaly Citovsky discovered that the fibers contain a substance called “Agrobacterium,” which, according to New Scientist, is “used commercially to produce genetically-modified plants.” Could GM plants be “causing a new human disease?” (5) GMO – Not on My Watch! The giant transnational corporations behind the GMO revolution are hitting us in our most vulnerable spot – our bellies. Most people have been brought up with an innate trust that what they purchase from the stores is safe to eat. This is no longer true, since most processed foods contain genetically engineered ingredients that can have disastrous effects on both animal and human health. What you purchase from the corner store might just change your DNA and create such frightening symptoms that the general public simply does not believe it. What is worse is that when you go to the doctor to get help, he/she tells you what you are experiencing is all in your head. This is rubbish! It is up to people who care to make the correlations between what we eat and what happens to our bodies. Remember the old saying – “you are what you eat?” Well, this author believes it is true. Notes 1) Engdahl, F.W. (2007). Seeds of Destruction. 2) Stagman, M. Phd. (2006). GMO Disease Epidemics: Bt-cotton Fiber Disease. Retrieved from http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2006/08/344305.shtml 3) Porter, L. (2006). Strange sickness: Mystery disease horror story. Retrieved from http://www.kgw.com/news-local/stories/kgw_051806_news_sweeps_strange_sickness_morgellons.53b2569a.html 4) Stagman, M. Phd. (2006). GMO Disease Epidemics: Bt-cotton Fiber Disease. Retrieved from http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2006/08/344305.shtml 5) Strieber, W. (2007). Skin Disease Might be Linked to GM Food. Retrieved from http://www.unknowncountry.com/news/?id=6486 Barbara H. Peterson is a Writer and Activist, http://spktruth2power.wordpress.com
  3. OSU, Tulsa Doctors Examine Unknown 'Strings' Friday, June 23, 2006; Posted: 9:25 AM(CDT) It sounds like something from the Twilight Zone. People claiming to have strings, not hairs, growing out of their skin. Doctors and nurses say even they can't believe what they're seeing. Dr. Raphael Stricker, who treats morgellon's patients, says it's really very bizarre to see the strings. Ginger Savely is a nurse practitioner who works with morgellon's patients. She says, "This didn't seem like anything I'd ever seen that was coming out of the human body." So what are these 'strings' and why are they lurking under people's skin? Disease detectives around the country are baffled. Carol Arledge, a rancher in West Texas, was one of the first people to see white fibers and black specks popping out of her skin. When she noticed the 'strings' she went to her dermatologist. Arledge says, "She said, 'I can't believe you did this to yourself.' I said do you want me to come back if it doesn't get any better? She said, 'no, if it doesn't get better, you need to find a psychiatrist.'" But Carol says she did not do this to herself, regardless of what her dermatologist believes. Another patient, Marnie Weinke, says there is no way she would have just scratched sores into her own face. Carol and Marnie aren't alone, thousands of others from various parts of the country complain of similar ailments. They say it feels like something is crawling beneath their skin and that they are sick and exhausted. Recently, even the Centers for Disease Control has started looking into morgellon's disease. The mystery of morgellon's soon caught the attention of a Tulsa researcher, Dr. Randy Wymore. He wondered if the fibers in the skin had simply rubbed off of people's clothing. He says when he looked at the fibers from clothing and the fibers found under the skin there was no similarity. So he decided to consult with collegues at Oklahoma State University. OSU doctors admit at first they were a little skeptical, but they agreed to see morgellon's patients. They have taken samples of the fibers found under the skin and then put them under a microscope. What they found were black, red, and blue fibers lurking under the skin. Doctors at OSU have seen about 25 patients, and say they are convinced morgellon's is real. But the medical establishment says they are wrong. Dr. Noah Scheinfeld, from Columbia University, says morgellon's is not real. He says it's all in the patients head. Dr. Scheinfeld says, "This is somebody who is picking at themselves and people pick at themselves for all sorts of reasons." He says once patients create a sore they shove fibers into it. However, the OSU doctors say that is not possible. They say most of the fibers they found were away from the sores, under unbroken, smooth skin. Still, no matter who you believe, there's one question that none of the doctors could answer. What are these fibers? Dr. Vitaly Citovsky, a Suny Stoney Brook Biologist, says he might have the answer. He says he found a gene that only exists in plants in the skin of the morgellons patients. Many of those who claim to have morgellan's say they have spent time working in the soil. As research continues the debate will rage on. Dr. Rhonda Casey, from Oklahoma State University, says "I would challenge any of these physicians who think that we are just feeding into the delusions to come and examine a group of these patients and see what I've seen." Delusion or disease, the threads of this argument continue on.
  4. Ps nobody is saying that we should take medical advice from the third world just that they don't trust our corporate greed to have their best interest in mind. Can't say that I blame them when you look at some of the statistics and some of the places we have conducted our experiments. <TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=750 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff></TD><TD vAlign=top align=left bgColor=#ffffff> Morgellons is a new mysterious disease that is spreading worldwide although most of the cases are currently occuring in the United States. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> The most striking symptoms of Morgellons are lesions and coloured fibers growing out of them. These fibers can be pulled out with much force however this does not seem to stop further growth. Itching occurs which can so strong that some Morgellon sufferes have been reported to have committed suicide. This disease is currently not yet recognized as a new generic disease. Most patients are told by their doctor to visit a psychiatrist. Morgellons Fiber Study Summary<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> - Jenny Haverty, Clinical Microbiologist Scientist<o:p></o:p> <o:p></o:p> Date: <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:date Month="12" Day="13" Year="2004">Monday, December 13, 2004</st1:date> 10:32 PM Following are microscopic observations of specimens of unknown fibers taken from four individuals suffering from a condition known as Morgellons disease. <o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> The participants are: <o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> (full names indicate participants who have granted full permission to publish) <o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> Julie Karnes - who lives in <st1:place><st1:City>San Francisco</st1:City>, <st1:State>California</st1:State></st1:place> <o:p></o:p> Cindy G. Casey, RN - an intensive care nurse living in Sausalito, California <o:p></o:p> Murphy - an artist & musician living in Oakland, California <o:p></o:p> Wendy E. Tripp - a veterinary technician living in San Jose, California <o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p> All of these cities are in the San Francisco Bay Area in Northern California. The descriptions are using a light microscope (Nikon LABOPHOT-2), 400x lens, and a Leitz fluorescent microscope (LABORLUX D), using an ultraviolet light source with a 330 to 380 um excitation filter and a 420 um barrier filter. The fibers were not observed to contain septa. ___________________________________________________________________ Julie, collected fibers from her calves in March, 2004. I teased the fibers, and mounted them on a glass slide in sterile saline (PSS). Using the 400x lens (light microscope) the following were observed: Red fibers 48.64 microns wide Clear fibers 23.04 microns wide Black fibers 28.16 microns wide Clear slender fibers with prong like structures 7.68 microns wide Red to red & black fibers with an internal structure that resembled ladder-like rungs, 17.92 microns wide Her sample also included hair, which measured from 51.2 to 74.24 microns wide. Looking at her sample of collected fibers before teasing them apart, some appeared to have a thick black speck in the center of the long strands of fibers. <o:p></o:p> I mounted the speck directly on a glass slide (I had to cut the long fibers to separate <o:p></o:p> the speck from the "mass" of fibers), added saline and a coverslip, and under 400x <o:p></o:p> it was comprised only of extremely tangled black fibers. I then examined the sample described above using the fluorescent microscope (unstained in saline). The majority of the fibers were extremely bright aqua autofluorescent. The black and red fibers did not autofluoresce. I then made a preparation of fibers in 20% KOH and Calcofluor stain (a stain used to observe fungi...yeast and hyphal elements of fungal organisms fluoresce bright apple green using a fluorescent microscope in the ultraviolet range). The fibers did not pick up the Calcofluor stain...they were the same bright aqua autofluorescent color as observed in saline, along with the black and red fibers as observed above. I also observed some hair in this preparation, which did not fluoresce. ____________________________________________________________________ Cindy and her husband came to my hospital lab on August 12, 2004 and I collected a very small sample from a skin lesion on her arm. I cultured the material from the lesion using fungal culture media (Sabouroud dextrose agar, Mycosel agar, and BHI agar with blood and antibiotics), incubated at 30 degrees Celsius for four weeks. The result was negative for fungal growth, with a light amount of skin bacteria observed. There was not enough specimen for microscopic examination. Cindy brought additional skin lesion samples for a repeat fungal culture and microscopic examination on August 31, 2004. I cultured one sample using<o:p></o:p> fungal culture media. The culture was also negative for fungal growth at four weeks. The same sample obtained on <st1:date Month="8" Day="31" Year="2004">8/31/04</st1:date> was observed following teasing in saline as described above using the light microscope to have: Clear fibers 12.8 microns to 20.48 microns wide Blue fibers 15.36 microns wide Using the fluorescent microscope, the fibers showed all bright aqua autofluorescent fibers with rare black non-fluorescent fibers observed. Cindy also gave me a sample that had been collected on August 30, 2004 for microscopic observation. Using the light microscope I observed: red fibers 15.36 to 17.92 microns wide blue fibers 30.72 microns wide clear tubular fibers 7.68 microns wide clear ribbon-like fibers 15.36 microns wide black fibers 12.8 microns wide In addition, I found rare spore-like structures that were football shaped, 12.8 microns long, some of which had a septate-like division across the center. Also found were very rare structures slightly resembling the asymmetrical spores of Alternaria species (a fungus)...these were 48.64 microns long (Alternaria spores are 7 to 10 microns wide and 23-34 microns long). These structures were both amber colored. I also observed needle-like structures resembling crystals in this sample. ________________________________________________________________________ Murphy sent me prepared microscopic slides of fibers from several skin lesions. Using the light microscope observed were in summary: blue fibers 23.04 microns wide (some of which were ribbon-like) red fibers 12.8 microns wide black fibers 23.04 to 30.72 microns wide clear fibers 15.36 microns wide large clear fibers 33.28 microns wide Using the fluorescent microscope, each sample autofluoresced bright aqua blue, with darker fibers non-fluorescing. _______________________________________________________________________ Wendy sent two samples. The first sample, fibers from her torso, were collected on <st1:date Month="9" Day="29" Year="2004">September 29, 2004</st1:date>. Using the light microscope, these showed: black ribbon-like fibers, 25.7 microns wide clear tubular fibers 12.8 microns wide blue fibers 15.36 microns wide red ribbon-like fibers 12.8 to 25.6 microns wide brown fibers with ladder-like rungs 12.8 microns wide brown fibers with prong-like structures along the sides 3.84 to 10.24 microns wide The above sample had a predominance of the black fibers described above. A second sample (also from torso) collected on October 7, 2004 showed the same types of fibers as described above with the addition of: brown fibers with ladder-like rungs 33.28 microns wide Using the fluorescent microscope, observed were bright aqua autofluorescent fibers, with black and red non-fluorescing fibers. ______________________________________________________________________ In summary: There were many similarities in fibers from all four individuals, both in size and color. All samples showed bright aqua autofluorescence using the fluorescent microscope, with red and black non fluorescent fibers. The fibers collected from these four individuals from different counties of the San Francisco Bay Area are so similar to each other that the causative agent may be epidemiologically the same. Respectively submitted, <st1:place><st1:PlaceName>Jenny</st1:PlaceName> <st1:PlaceName>Haverty</st1:PlaceName> <st1:PlaceName>Clinical</st1:PlaceName> <st1:PlaceName>Microbiologist</st1:PlaceName> <st1:PlaceName>Scientist</st1:PlaceName> <st1:PlaceName>Marin</st1:PlaceName> <st1:PlaceName>General</st1:PlaceName> <st1:PlaceType>Hospital</st1:PlaceType></st1:place> <st1:place><st1:City>Greenbrae</st1:City>, <st1:State>California</st1:State></st1:place> <o:p></o:p> <o:p> </o:p>
  5. Curious , What your personal opinion is on food genetically modified by mutagenic bacteria? I daresay that is a little different than cross pollinating. we are seeing a huge surge in disease at a time that medicine is purportadly at its peak in both technology and spending. Surely its weak minded to ignore some of the correlations. Our food supply is clearly at fault for many of the problems we are seeing. Get rid of artificial sweeteners and high fructose corn syrup and I bet you diabetes and heart disease drop by more than 50%. In simplest terms what I see in practice is that people eating stuff that does not exist in nature have problems. We just aren't genetically programed to deal with some of this stuff. The ratio of sugars in HFCS does not exist in nature. We are burning out our pancreases trying to handle the blood sugar rises that result from eating it. NaCl table salt does not exist in nature. People who eat natural salt (sea salt etc) are healthier than those who don't eat salt. The list goes on and on. If evolution or God (your choice here) didn't make it. Don't eat it! pretty simple rule that sure seems to clear up a lot of health problems. For the record and the subject of this post. Chickens don't live in a shoe box with no beak in nature:eek: www.themeatrix.com Eat free range meats preferably organic. Free range grass fed beef has a better lipid (fat) profile (good fats to bad fats ratio) than salmon. But put it in a feed lot and feed it grain and lots of yucky stuff you don't want to know about and you get heart attack waiting to happen. The same is true in regards to wild caught salmon vs farmed.
  6. basics of the disease intense pain in the skin for no apparent reason followed later by the growth of what look like BLUE hairs . the skin tugs when these are pulled and pain is experienced as if a hair was being pulled. the most recent studies of these blue hairs reveals them to be genetically similiar to the mutagenic bacteria currently used to genetically modify corn. The current theory is that ingesting GMO corn, soybeans etc is somehow allowing the bacterial dna to enter the human system causing mutation and Inflammatory response by the bodies immune system. This theory is of course hotly contested by americas chemical and food giants. Monsanto specifically,( they are the makers of roundup ready seeds A GMO product designed to allow herbicide use on the fiels without harming the corn plant etc) Jury is still out but it definitely means we should be labeling GMO foods so that the consumer can choose whether or not to chance eating them.
  7. If you were keeping up with the international debate on CODEX you wouldn't be suprised. The US FDA is trying to shove GMO down the worlds throat without labeling and the rest of the world is not having it. Monsanto is the driving force behind the push obviously. With the early research on Morgellan's disease pointing toward GMO foods (corn in particular) The third world is convinced we are trying to commit genocide. I would guess that economic pressure is being applied and that the chicken issue is only secondary.
  8. The icecoasters are complaining about POWDER:freak3: I guess a humble apology for the lack of groom due to massive dumps is in order:rolleyes: Remember the unheeded warning to bring a wider board boys!? We'd love to have you all up again but we can and will carry on smartly without you if you don't show:biggthump I know a few bars that will experience a serious loss in revenue that week but they'll manage as well I suppose:lol:
  9. even better! My psycho poetry teacher telling my what my own poetry meant!?!!! and then telling me how to get my point across better, or was it his point? anyway college profs are mostly morons in my experience.
  10. I guess we shouldn't take the bank hating to the next level and discuss how the system really works:angryfire We might disturb the sheeple:eplus2: ITs all electrons and its less work for them than an actual "cash" transaction. Worse yet your signature created the "money" there was in fact no currency involved in the transaction whatsoever. your signature allowed the bank to recieve a credit from the federal reserve for significantly more than the amount you "borrowed" This credit is in effect money created from thin air. no wonder the house of cards is falling:rolleyes:
  11. lots of scooter options out there. Here the local gendarmes etc seem to be overlooking violations in favor of people saving on gas. I just bought a small cruiser motorcycle. 50 mpg makes a difference and it pays its own payment on gas savings alone!
  12. the more the merrier:biggthump as always. Just remember what you see here stays here. You are obligated to tell everyone at home that montana sucked and you never want to go back.:rolleyes: It helps keep the riff raff from emigrating north:eplus2:
  13. Dr D

    torn atfl

    I have had excellent results on several patients with ATFL tears using FASST patches from Weilab or Wei Laboratories. Its basically a modern day herbal poultice. I use them a lot for a variety of injuries in my practice. Note: It will heal quicker and with less scar tissue but the PT is an absolute must do. WWW.WEILAB.COM should have a practitioner list with someone close to you where you can get them. If you have trouble finding a source let me know and I will hook you up.
  14. Dr D


    Bobdea may be better suited to advise you on the wildside of sexual relationships, but Myself and obviously several others have noted something in your posts that screams "I hate this" The older you get the more you will discover who you are and all this will get easier . For now, I don't see how you can walk away from this experience without some pain. Take it as lesson learned and move on. She's not abiding by standard or nonstandard relationship rules and she's not likely to start just because you love her enough. Contrary to popular opinion there is no soulmate waiting for you. there are an infinite number of them and it is possible to love more than one at the same time. She probably loves you both or at least thinks she does but bottom line she's in it for her and you lose either way.
  15. Montana rejected the patriot act and all its provisions. ITs hard to find but its on the ACLU website. I saw the hardcopy yesterday but haven't looked it up online yet. the whole history of the bill is there. I guess Habeus Corpus is still alive and well in at least one state provided you know how to handle a dumb cop.
  16. Growing old is mandatory growing up is optional. ITs also highly overated. you will look back some day and wonder why you raced through your childhood yearning for that magical day that you could be an adult. welcome to life its all bills and drudgery unless you can get out and just screw off occasionally!:D
  17. Dr D


    I had the exact opposite happen to me. My wife was on her way to dump me when I asked her to marry me and she said yes. I did not find this out until years later. It came up during a fight. WE are still together but its been an uphill battle all the way. I would have to say ignore the little voice in your head completely. Its totally incapable of coherent objective thought at the moment. I guarantee that even if everything works out between you it will be a daily battle the rest of your life. marriage isn't a 50/50 deal its a 100/100 deal. she's not even pulling 50% RUN and live to fight another day:biggthump
  18. I have yet to hear a review of "more guns less crime" from any new readers. check it out people. especially those of you spouting statistics that may or may not be divinely inspired. Its an eye opener and very well cited.
  19. yes do a search on jim crow laws. The first inroads to personal freedom began with bigotry. We are free but they shouldn't be. concealed carry laws were all jim crow laws in the beginning. same thing in texas and California only mexicans were the target.
  20. This was never questioned until recently. The concept of it being only for the national guard is silly since the guard wasn't federalized until WWI. If it was intended for a militia then that would mean any male between 18 and 8o according to my state constitution. ITs clearly an individual right if you have read any of the history behind it. It helps to pull out a law dictionary from the same time period sometimes just to clarify that the modern "educated" Liberal viewpoint did not exist when the document was penned. Most western state constitutions state that any person not found incompetant by a judge (mental patients etc) has the right to keep and bear arms. Historically that would mean whatever the norm for an infantry soldier to carry. No one is saying we have the right to bear nukes for instance or even small field cannon (those were kept at the armory historically). Normal infantry arms today would include handguns, rifles (M16) and even 40 mm grenade launchers and SAW machineguns. If you pull out the militia argument you get into the whole automatic weapon can of worms. A hearing before the supreme court touching on the definition of arms would be interesting indeed. the only other gun case that went before the supreme court was over a sawed off shotgun during the prohibition era. The defendant was a moonshiner. Unable to prove the moonshine charges the gov went after his shotgun. His case was defended probono and the lawyer did not prepare a brief when it went before the supreme court nor did he appear. It is widely believed that had he appeared that case would have overturned the newly formed gun laws and firmly established the second amendment case law.
  21. very reasoned response BOb:biggthump As for the rest of you antigunners, read "More Guns Less Crime" by jon Lott and then we can have a really good discussion. John Lott originally researched the book with the intent of proving that guns caused crime. He was surprised to find the opposite to be true. Its one thing to feel passionately about something based solely on hearsay and/or a negative experience. Its quite another thing to research and view all the facts and then make a reasoned decision about something. When those decisions affect the liberty of others you owe it to them to find the facts and view both sides objectively. Bob is right. the crimes committed using guns are nearly always with an already illegal gun. the statistics on concealed carry permits committing crimes show it to be statistically insignificant or nearly unheard of. Skatha, they would just hurt each other with something else if there were no more guns and you would be bitter about whatever that weapon happened to be. I don't envy your job it must be difficult to see people dieing especially innocents. It just doesn't follow that an inanimate object is the true cause.
  22. Montana's is almost word for word the same. As far as seccesion goes. I personally believe that Lincoln was wrong and that he was the beginning of the federal power that we are all now having to deal with. The original "union" was for the benefit of the several sovreign states not the consolidation into one soveriegn state. This is supposed to be a republic not a democracy. A democracy can last only until the people discover that they can vote themselves money out of the treasury then it must fall. WE sort of have that figured out! WE currently have a 49 to 51 split on most issues. When that ratio widens in favor of more government programs and wealth redistribution we will fall back into tyrany. In many ways we already have. You can't even tell the two parties apart anymore on most issues and certainly by performance. The very things we vote against crop up in the performance of our own party members. (that statement is true from either perspective) In montana and NH we still run things the way they were originally intended to run and we fight many battles to preserve that. Lots of folks moving in from california etc that love our way of life enough to move here but insist on changing it when they get here. incrementalism is a bitch
  23. We have regular disagreements with DC on a number of issues. Currently as Far as I know we are the only state that will license ATV and mini trucks from japan etc (50 mpg +) for road use. It is a clear violation of Federal law and we don't care. we can get good mileage and still perform duties requiring a dump bed. I have seen gators and golf carts road licensed as well. You also might remmber the whole speed limit thing a while back. It was an out of state jack ass that screwed that up as well.
  24. :lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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